It is a proof of concept based in a fictional e-commerce platform. There are two microservices:
- Catalog: It is written in Go and exposes a REST API that returns a product list.
- Discount: It is consumed by Catalog, written in Python and returns the received product with 10% discount applied.
The full text about it can be found in my blog
# clone this repo
cd $HOME
git clone
cd microservices-grpc-go-python
# rename the keys to work with Docker
rm keys/cert.pem keys/private.key
mv keys/discount.pem keys/cert.pem
mv keys/discount.key keys/private.key
# run docker compose
docker-compose up -d
The ports used are 11443 and 11080. To test using curl:
curl -H 'X-USER-ID: 1' http://localhost:11080/products