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Merge pull request mom-ocean#30 from gustavo-marques/issue29
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Fix calculation of SSH slopes and eliminates the need to specify a restart path
  • Loading branch information
alperaltuntas authored Sep 27, 2017
2 parents 32916a0 + 01bcdec commit f955f3f
Showing 1 changed file with 39 additions and 62 deletions.
101 changes: 39 additions & 62 deletions config_src/mct_driver/ocn_comp_mct.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -381,17 +381,8 @@ subroutine ocn_init_mct( EClock, cdata_o, x2o_o, o2x_o, NLFilename )
ocn_modelio_name = 'ocn_modelio.nml' // trim(inst_suffix)
call shr_file_setIO(ocn_modelio_name,glb%stdout)

!if (debug) write(*,*) "stdout-1"
!if (debug) write(6,*) "stdout-2"
!if (debug) write(glb%stdout,*) "stdout-3"

! set the shr log io unit number
call shr_file_setLogUnit(glb%stdout)

!if (debug) write(*,*) "stdout-4"
!if (debug) write(6,*) "stdout-5"
!if (debug) write(glb%stdout,*) "stdout-6"

end if

call set_calendar_type(NOLEAP) !TODO: confirm this
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -479,38 +470,20 @@ subroutine ocn_init_mct( EClock, cdata_o, x2o_o, o2x_o, NLFilename )
else ! hybrid or branch or continuos runs
! output path root
call seq_infodata_GetData( glb%infodata, outPathRoot=restartpath )
! read pointer_filename
! write name of restart file in the rpointer file
! read name of restart file in the pointer file
nu = shr_file_getUnit()
!if (is_root_pe()) then
restart_pointer_file = trim(glb%pointer_filename)
write(glb%stdout,*) 'Reading ocn pointer file: ',restart_pointer_file
open(nu, file=restart_pointer_file, form='formatted', status='unknown')
read(nu,'(a)') restartfile
!restartfile = trim(restartpath) // trim(restartfile)
write(glb%stdout,*) 'Reading ocn pointer file: ',trim(restartfile)
restart_pointer_file = trim(glb%pointer_filename)
if (is_root_pe()) write(glb%stdout,*) 'Reading ocn pointer file: ',restart_pointer_file
open(nu, file=restart_pointer_file, form='formatted', status='unknown')
read(nu,'(a)') restartfile
!restartfile = trim(restartpath) // trim(restartfile)
if (is_root_pe()) write(glb%stdout,*) 'Reading restart file: ',trim(restartfile)
call shr_file_freeUnit(nu)
!restartfile = '/glade/scratch/gmarques/mom_test/run/'
!call seq_infodata_GetData( glb%infodata, case_name=runid )
!call ESMF_ClockGet(EClock, CurrTime=current_time, rc=rc)
!call ESMF_TimeGet(current_time, yy=year, mm=month, dd=day, h=hour, m=minute, s=seconds, rc=rc)
!seconds = seconds + hour*3600 + minute*60
!write(restartfile,'(A,".mom6.r.",I4.4,"-",I2.2,"-",I2.2,"-",I5.5,".nc")') trim(runid), year, month, day, seconds
if (debug .and. root_pe().eq.pe_here()) then
write(glb%stdout,*)'runtype, restartfile,time_init,time_in',runtype, restartfile !, time_init, time_in
call ocean_model_init(glb%ocn_public, glb%ocn_state, time_init, time_in, input_restart_file=trim(restartfile))

!if (debug .and. root_pe().eq.pe_here()) then
! write(glb%stdout,*)'runtype, restartfile,time_init,time_in',runtype, restartfile,time_init,time_in

! Initialize the MOM6 model
!call ocean_model_init(glb%ocn_public, glb%ocn_state, time_init, time_in)

! Initialize ocn_state%state out of sight
call ocean_model_init_sfc(glb%ocn_state, glb%ocn_public)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1136,50 +1109,54 @@ subroutine ocn_export(ind, ocn_public, grid, o2x)
do j=grid%jsc, grid%jec ; do i=grid%isc,grid%iec
n = n+1
! This is a simple second-order difference
o2x(ind%o2x_So_dhdx, n) = 0.5 * (ssh(i+1,j) + ssh(i-1,j)) * grid%IdxT(i,j) * grid%mask2dT(i,j)
!o2x(ind%o2x_So_dhdx, n) = 0.5 * (ssh(i+1,j) - ssh(i-1,j)) * grid%IdxT(i,j) * grid%mask2dT(i,j)
! This is a PLM slope which might be less prone to the A-grid null mode
! slp_L = (ssh(I,j) - ssh(I-1,j)) * grid%mask2dCu(I-1,j)
!if (grid%mask2dCu(I-1,j)==0.) slp_L = 0.
! slp_R = (ssh(I+1,j) - ssh(I,j)) * grid%mask2dCu(I,j)
!if (grid%mask2dCu(I,j)==0.) slp_R = 0.
! slp_C = 0.5 * (slp_L + slp_R)
! if ( (slp_L * slp_R) > 0.0 ) then
slp_L = (ssh(I,j) - ssh(I-1,j)) * grid%mask2dCu(I-1,j)
if (grid%mask2dCu(I-1,j)==0.) slp_L = 0.
slp_R = (ssh(I+1,j) - ssh(I,j)) * grid%mask2dCu(I,j)
if (grid%mask2dCu(I+1,j)==0.) slp_R = 0.
slp_C = 0.5 * (slp_L + slp_R)
if ( (slp_L * slp_R) > 0.0 ) then
! This limits the slope so that the edge values are bounded by the
! two cell averages spanning the edge.
! u_min = min( ssh(i-1,j), ssh(i,j), ssh(i+1,j) )
! u_max = max( ssh(i-1,j), ssh(i,j), ssh(i+1,j) )
! slope = sign( min( abs(slp_C), 2.*min( ssh(i,j) - u_min, u_max - ssh(i,j) ) ), slp_C )
! else
u_min = min( ssh(i-1,j), ssh(i,j), ssh(i+1,j) )
u_max = max( ssh(i-1,j), ssh(i,j), ssh(i+1,j) )
slope = sign( min( abs(slp_C), 2.*min( ssh(i,j) - u_min, u_max - ssh(i,j) ) ), slp_C )
! Extrema in the mean values require a PCM reconstruction avoid generating
! larger extreme values.
! slope = 0.0
! end if
! o2x(ind%o2x_So_dhdx, n) = slope * grid%IdxT(i,j) * grid%mask2dT(i,j)
slope = 0.0
end if
o2x(ind%o2x_So_dhdx, n) = slope * grid%IdxT(i,j) * grid%mask2dT(i,j)
if (grid%mask2dT(i,j)==0.) o2x(ind%o2x_So_dhdx, n) = 0.0
end do; end do

! d/dy ssh
n = 0
do j=grid%jsc, grid%jec ; do i=grid%isc,grid%iec
n = n+1
! This is a simple second-order difference
o2x(ind%o2x_So_dhdy, n) = 0.5 * (ssh(i,j+1) + ssh(i,j-1)) * grid%IdyT(i,j) * grid%mask2dT(i,j)
!o2x(ind%o2x_So_dhdy, n) = 0.5 * (ssh(i,j+1) - ssh(i,j-1)) * grid%IdyT(i,j) * grid%mask2dT(i,j)
! This is a PLM slope which might be less prone to the A-grid null mode
! slp_L = ssh(i,J) - ssh(i,J-1) * grid%mask2dCv(i,J-1)
! slp_R = ssh(i,J+1) - ssh(i,J) * grid%mask2dCv(i,J)
! slp_C = 0.5 * (slp_L + slp_R)
! write(6,*)'slp_L, slp_R,i,j,slp_L*slp_R', slp_L, slp_R,i,j,slp_L*slp_R
! if ((slp_L * slp_R) > 0.0) then
slp_L = ssh(i,J) - ssh(i,J-1) * grid%mask2dCv(i,J-1)
if (grid%mask2dCv(i,J-1)==0.) slp_L = 0.
slp_R = ssh(i,J+1) - ssh(i,J) * grid%mask2dCv(i,J)
if (grid%mask2dCv(i,J+1)==0.) slp_R = 0.
slp_C = 0.5 * (slp_L + slp_R)
!write(6,*)'slp_L, slp_R,i,j,slp_L*slp_R', slp_L, slp_R,i,j,slp_L*slp_R
if ((slp_L * slp_R) > 0.0) then
! This limits the slope so that the edge values are bounded by the
! two cell averages spanning the edge.
! u_min = min( ssh(i,j-1), ssh(i,j), ssh(i,j+1) )
! u_max = max( ssh(i,j-1), ssh(i,j), ssh(i,j+1) )
! slope = sign( min( abs(slp_C), 2.*min( ssh(i,j) - u_min, u_max - ssh(i,j) ) ), slp_C )
! else
u_min = min( ssh(i,j-1), ssh(i,j), ssh(i,j+1) )
u_max = max( ssh(i,j-1), ssh(i,j), ssh(i,j+1) )
slope = sign( min( abs(slp_C), 2.*min( ssh(i,j) - u_min, u_max - ssh(i,j) ) ), slp_C )
! Extrema in the mean values require a PCM reconstruction avoid generating
! larger extreme values.
! slope = 0.0
! end if
! o2x(ind%o2x_So_dhdy, n) = slope * grid%IdyT(i,j) * grid%mask2dT(i,j)
slope = 0.0
end if
o2x(ind%o2x_So_dhdy, n) = slope * grid%IdyT(i,j) * grid%mask2dT(i,j)
if (grid%mask2dT(i,j)==0.) o2x(ind%o2x_So_dhdy, n) = 0.0
end do; end do

end subroutine ocn_export
Expand Down

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