nand2tetris is a very interesting "learning by doing" project that enables one to learn how a computer is designed from the ground up, and also how it can be programmed from the very lowest of levels. It is a fantastic course and very rewarding to those who finish it.
The projects in this course start from designing various boolean gates using NAND gates as a building block and slowly build upon each other to finally allow for running rich and complex full-featured programs such as Tetris.
The project homepage forbids public distribution of the code so as to not rob other students of the joy of self-learning, but that is really up to the students themselves; so this repository is public.
The has
assembler from Project 6 is written in Rust and so cargo run
perfectly well. Run it as follows:
cargo run --release --bin has -- -f projects/6/rect/Rect.asm
Read its full help message for more options.
cargo run --release --bin has -- --help