java-iceberg-toolkit is a Java implementation for performing operations on Apache Iceberg and Hive tables to enable open data lakehouse access to developers, data scientists and DB users. For a detailed list of supported operations, refer to Supported Operations.
One of the common use-cases of the toolkit is bulk ingestion of parquet files to a data lake in Iceberg table format. For more information, visit "A java toolkit for Apache Iceberg open table format".
Table of Contents
- Hive Metastore 4
- An object store (Amazon S3, IBM COS, etc.)
- Credentials to access the bucket (if not public), refer to Configuration
- Java version 17 and above
- Apache Maven
- Apache Maven Dependencies
- Credentials set as environment variables
- JUnit5
- Credentials set as environment variable
- URI set as "URI" environment variable
- Warehouse set as "WAREHOUSE" environment variable
1- Build an image either using the provided script or a container engine's (e.g. docker, podman) CLI of your choice. For this example, we are using podman.
# using provided script
# using preferred container engine's cli remove and un-tag an existing image before building a new one
podman rmi -f java-iceberg-cli:latest
podman build --tag java-iceberg-cli:latest --file Dockerfile .
2- Create a container and run it as a detached process
podman run -d localhost/java-iceberg-cli:latest
3- Open a remote shell to the container
podman exec -it <container_name> bash
4- Run the Java tool
java -jar /home/java-iceberg-cli/target/<jar_name> --help
Pass in the URI to the Hive Metastore using -u or --uri options and optionally specify a storage path when creating a new namespace using -w or --warehouse options. By default, the default FS value specified in Hive's configuration file will be used as the warehouse path.
Set credentials for the object store using environment variables. Please note that you would need to specify AWS_ENDPOINT if using a non-AWS object store.
export AWS_REGION=
# specify endpoint to a non-AWS object store, if applicable
Credentials can also be passed to the CLI as:
{'type':'AWS','credentials':{'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID':'<id>','AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY':'<key>', 'ENDPOINT':'uri'}}
Set credentials using environment variables as:
export AWS_REGION=
# specify endpoint to a non-AWS object store, if applicable
export URI=
If URI is not set as environment variables then, the tests will exit.
java-iceberg-toolkit comes with a CLI which is ready to use when the code is packaged and all configurations are in place.
The CLI provides various operations on Iceberg and Hive tables.
$ java -jar <jar_name> --help
usage: java -jar <jar_name> [options] command [args]
-c,--credential <credentials> Supported credentials : AWS
--catalog <value> Read properties for this catalog from
the config file
--format <iceberg|hive> The format of the table we want to
-h,--help Show this help message
-o,--output <console|csv|json> Show output in this format
--snapshot <snapshot ID> Snapshot ID to use
-u,--uri <value> Hive metastore to use
-w,--warehouse <value> Table location
drop Drop a table or a namespace
schema Fetch schema of a table
metadata Get table metadata
read Read from a table
commit Commit file(s) to a table
rewrite Rewrite file(s) in a table
list List tables or namespaces
type Fetch table type
uuid Fetch uuid of a table
spec Fetch partition spec of a table
rename Rename a table a table
create Create a table or a namespace
files List data files of a table
location Fetch table location
describe Get details of a table or a namespace
write Write to a table
snapshot Fetch latest or all snapshot(s) of a table
tasks List scan tasks of a table
Each subcommand provides a help message of its own.
usage: java -jar <jar_name> [options] create [options] identifier
Create a table or a namespace
--help Show this help message and exit
--force If table exists, recreate an empty table
Positional Arguments:
identifier Table or namespace identifier
schema Create a table using this schema
The toolkit allows users to specify catalog configuration using a config file. The file is expected to be named as .java_iceberg_cli.yaml and is searched in the following locations: 1- ICEBERG_CONFIG environment variable 2- User home directory
Credentials for AWS can be passed to the CLI as:
{'type':'AWS','credentials':{'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID':'<id>','AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY':'<key>', 'ENDPOINT':'uri'}}
To use Kerberos enabled Metastore you can use any of the following two options:
1- Set up values in the config file:
- name: "default"
type: "HIVE"
metastoreUri: <uri>
properties: {...}
... "kerberos"
hive.metastore.sasl.enabled: "true"
hive.metastore.kerberos.principal: "<principal>"
hive.metastore.kerberos.keytab.file: "<path_to_keytab"
2- Set up the following environment variables:
Specify kerberos principal and keytab as:
Or as:
To access Metastore that has PLAIN authentication mode enabled, there are two options:
1- Set up values in the config file:
- name: "default"
type: "HIVE"
metastoreUri: <uri>
properties: {...}
hive.metastore.client.plain.username: "<username>"
hive.metastore.client.plain.password: "<pw>"
To access SSL enabled Metastore, there are two options:
1- Set up values in the config file:
- name: "default"
type: "HIVE"
metastoreUri: <uri>
properties: {...}
hive.metastore.use.SSL: "true"
hive.metastore.keystore.path: "<path>"
hive.metastore.keystore.password: "<pw>"
hive.metastore.truststore.path: "<path>"
hive.metastore.truststore.password: "<pw>"
2- Set up the following environment variables:
Example CLI commands for basic queries.
- Display help for all commands.
java -jar <jar> --help
- Display help for a specific command.
java -jar <jar> -u <uri> <command> --help
- List all namespaces and their locations in a catalog.
java -jar <jar> -u <uri> list
- List all tables and their types in a namespace.
java -jar <jar> -u <uri> list <namespace>
- Create a table
java -jar <jar> -u <uri> create <namespace>.<table> "<schema>"
- Example schema
For a detailed list of commands, please refer to sample cli commands.
Most of the operations on Hive tables are being worked on. For contributions, please refer to the contribution guidelines for this project.
Operation Name | Iceberg Table | Hive Table |
Create a namespace or a table | Y | |
Commit to a table | Y | |
Rewrite files in a table | Y | |
Describe a namespace or a table | Y | |
Drop a namespace or a table | Y | |
Get plan tasks of a table | Y | Y |
Get plan files of a table | Y | |
Get schema of a table | Y | Y |
Get uuid of a table | Y | |
Get partition spec of a table | Y | |
Get table metadata | Y | |
Get current or all snapshots of a table | Y | |
List namespaces | Y | Y |
List tables in a namespace | Y | Y |
List tables in all namespaces | Y | |
Read from a table | Y | |
Rename a table | Y | |
Write to a table | Y |
java-iceberg-toolkit provides a Server mode which uses UNIX domain sockets. To start the server run:
java -jar <jar> server
java-iceberg-toolkit provides APIs to perform operations on Iceberg tables and Hive tables. For Iceberg tables, Hive catalog is being used, but java-iceberg-toolkit will support other catalogs in the next releases.
Create an unpartitioned table:
import iceberg.IcebergConnector;
import org.apache.iceberg.PartitionSpec;
import org.apache.iceberg.Schema;
import org.apache.iceberg.types.Types;
IcebergConnector connector = new IcebergConnector(uri, warehouse, namespace, null);
Schema schema = new Schema(
Types.NestedField.required(1, "ID", Types.IntegerType.get()),
Types.NestedField.required(2, "Name", Types.StringType.get()),
Types.NestedField.required(3, "Price", Types.DoubleType.get()),
Types.NestedField.required(4, "Purchase_date", Types.TimestampType.withoutZone())
PartitionSpec spec = PartitionSpec.unpartitioned();
boolean overwrite = false;
connector.createTable(schema, spec, overwrite);
For a detailed list of API usage, please refer to sample api usage.
The following table represents the list of Iceberg primitive data types supported by java-iceberg-toolkit:
No. | Primitive data type |
#1 | Types.IntegerType |
#2 | Types.StringType |
#3 | Types.DoubleType |
#4 | Types.TimestampType (without zone) |
#5 | Types.BinaryType |
#6 | Types.BooleanType |
#7 | Types.DateType |
#8 | Types.TimestampType (with zone) |
#9 | Types.DecimalType |
#10 | Types.FixedType |
#11 | Types.FloatType |
#12 | Types.LongType |
#13 | Types.TimeType |
#14 | Types.UUIDType |