Author: Guo-Jun Qi, Date: 1/9/2017, most recent update: 2/8/2017
Questions about the source codes can be directed to Dr. Guo-Jun Qi at [email protected]. All copyrights reserved.
Please cite the following paper when referring to the following algorithms (LS-GAN and CLS-GAN)
Guo-Jn Qi. Loss-Sensitive Generative Adversarial Networks on Lipschitz Densities. arXiv:1701.06264 [pdf]
We are keeping updating this repository of source codes, and more results and algorithms will be released soon.
We now have a new project generalizing LS-GAN to a more general form, called Generalized LS-GAN (GLS-GAN). It unifies Wasserstein GAN as well as this LS-GAN in an integrated framework, along with a super class of GLS-GANs including various new GAN members to explore. Check the github project at, and the Appendix D of the newly updated prepint
We also show an incomplete map of GANs at, which plots the terrority of basic GANs in our view. We will update the map as more GAN territories are found.
- gamma: this is the coefficient for loss-minimization term (the first term in the objective for optimizing L_\theta).
- lambda: the scale of margin. This controls the desired margins between real and fake samples. However, we found this is a hyperparameter not very sensitive to the generation performance.
1.Setup and download dataset
`mkdir celebA; cd celebA
Download from under the link "Align&Cropped Images".
unzip; cd ..
DATA_ROOT=celebA th data/crop_celebA.lua
2.Training the LS-GAN
DATA_ROOT=celebA dataset=folder th lsgan.lua
Please download bedroom_train_lmdb from
Prepare the dataset following the instructions below
Install LMDB in your system:
sudo apt-get install liblmdb-dev
Install torch packages:
luarocks install lmdb.torch luarocks install tds
Once downloading bedroom_train_lmdb, unzip the dataset and put it in a directory
Create an index file : Copy lsun_index_generator.lua to lsun/train, and run
cd lsun/train DATA_ROOT=. th lsun_index_generator.lua
Now you should have bedroom_train_lmdb_hashes_chartensor.t7 in lsun/train -
Now return to the parent direcotry of lsun, and you should be ready to run lsgan.lua:
DATA_ROOT=lsun th lsgan.lua
To display images during training and generation, we will use the display package.
- Install it with:
luarocks install
- Then start the server with:
th -ldisplay.start
- Open this URL in your browser: http://localhost:8000
Download and prepare datasets
MNIST: run
torch-rocks install
CIFAR10: run
th ./data/Cifar10bintoTensor.lua
SVHN: run
th ./data/svhn.lua
Now you should be able to run clsgan.lua now. Select the dataset you want to use. For example you want to run MNIST to generate handwritten digits according to ten digit classes. Then you can run the following command line
dataset=mnist th clsgan.lua
For the other parameters you can set, please refer to the script in clsgan.lua.
parts of codes are reused from DCGAN at
the code downloading cifar10 is available at
the code downloading SVHN: