Codeigniter 4 Restfull is the creation of Restfull API with the codeigniter 4 framework. Use is very simple and easy to use. And support with 4 types of security authentication ex. JWT, Basic, Key, Token
You can manage api using database or File configuration
follow Setup Configuration!
- composer
composer create-project appkita/ci4restfull-starter
cd ci4restfull-starter
composer update
- Download latest release from
- extract to public_html
composer install
- Copy
and tailor for your app, specifically the baseURL, any database settings and Restfull setting.
- Open Folder
and edit
//you can set database of file
public $cekfrom = 'file'
//configuration user cek
public $user_config = [
'model' => 'UserModel', //model name or parameter if you using file
'key_coloumn' => 'apikey',
//if you using file $cekfrom
$UserModel = [
'email'=>'[email protected]',
'isblock'=>false, //if you block return true
'whitelist'=>[], //add whitelist ip address
'blacklist'=>[], //add blacklist ip address
'path'=>'*' //use * for allow all access or array controllername_methodname
//Configuration your Header API KEY
public $haderKey = 'X-API-KEY';
* @var array $allowed_key_parameter
* if you API KEY allowed get from parameter GET, POST, or JSON
public $allowed_key_parameter = ['get', 'post', 'json'];
//configuration data include on json token
$token_data = 'username';
public $allowed_format = ['json', 'xml', 'csv'];
* @var string $default_format
public $default_format = 'json';
- Create new Controller extends
namespace App\Controllers;
use \Appkita\CI4Restfull\RestfullApi;
use \App\Models\UserModel;
class Home extends RestfullApi
#protected $modelName = 'UserModel';
protected $model;
protected $allowed_format = ['json'];
protected $auth = ['key'];
function __construct() {
$this->model = new UserModel();
public function index()
return $this->respond(['status'=>true, 'data'=>$this->model->findAll()]);
public function show($id = null)
return $this->respond(['status'=>true, 'data'=>$this->model->find($id)]);
public function create() {
die('create ');
public function update($id = null) {
die('update '. $id);
public function deleted($id = null) {
die('deleted '. $id);
- Run application with
php spark serve
- acess api
spark runhttp://localhost/yourapi/public
xamp or wamp
Please read the user guide of Codeigniter 4