This documentation outlines how to reproduce the 1st place solution by the Hungry for gold🥇🥇 team for the Mechanisms of Action (MoA) Prediction competition on Kaggle.
Winning Solution Writeup on Kaggle
Winning Solution Writeup in PDF
How to Reproduce Winning Solution Locally
- In the
folder: All of the scripts used for the final submissions- Best CV: A set of model scripts used in our first submission, best CV score blending
- Best LB: A set of model scripts used in our second submission, best public LB score blending
- Training: Includes Jupyter notebooks for each single models to preprocess the input data and save trained model weights. to be run in kaggle GPU notebook environment.
- Inference: Includes Python scripts for each single models to preprocess the input data and make inferences using pre-trained weights. Note that for the
model, we were running it as a notebooks due to unknown Kaggle environment errors to theUMAP
dependency library "numba.core
". - Submission: Includes predicted labels on public test data.
- A notebook to blend single model predictions
Most of our single models were using Kaggle Notebook instances with GPU enabled to run all data preprocessing, model training, blending weight search and inference.
For DeepInsight CNNs, such as EfficientNet B3 NS
and ResNeSt
, they were trained on a local machine with 64GB RAM and two Nividia 2080-Ti GPUs. Each of them took about 12-25 hours to train for 10-folds.
We used Kaggle GPU notebooks to run all our inference scripts.
Below are the packages used in addition to the ones included in the default Kaggle Docker environment for Python. All packages were installed via uploaded kaggle dataset.
Please add as the input dataset.
Model Name | CV | Public LB | Private LB | Training Notebook | Inference Script |
3-stage NN | 0.01561 | 0.01823 | 0.01618 | 3-stagenn-train.ipynb | |
2-stage NN + TabNet | 0.01615 | 0.01837 | 0.01625 | 2stagenn-tabnet-train.ipynb | 2stage-nn-tabnet-inference.ipynb |
Simple NN (old CV) | 0.01585 | 0.01833 | 0.01626 | simple-nn-using-old-cv-train.ipynb | |
Simple NN (new CV) | 0.01564 | 0.01830 | 0.01622 | simple-nn-new-split-train.ipynb | |
2-heads ResNet | 0.01589 | 0.01836 | 0.01624 | 2heads-ResNest-train.ipynb | |
EfficientNet B3 Noisy Student | 0.01602 | 0.01850 | 0.01634 | deepinsight-efficientnet-lightning-v7-b3-train.ipynb | |
ResNeSt V2 | 0.01576 | 0.01854 | 0.01636 | deepinsight-resnest-lightning-v2-train.ipynb | |
- Original Submission Notebook:
./final/Best LB/fork-of-blending-with-6-models-5old-1new.ipynb
- Cleaned Submission Notebook:
./final/Best LB/final-best-lb-cleaned.ipynb
Model Name | CV | Public LB | Private LB | Training Notebook | Inference Script |
3-stage NN | 0.01561 | 0.01823 | 0.01618 | 3stagenn-10folds-train.ipynb | |
2-heads ResNet V2 | 0.01566 | 0.01844 | 0.01623 | 2heads-resnest-train.ipynb | |
EfficientNet B3 Noisy Student | 0.01602 | 0.01850 | 0.01634 | deepinsight-efficientnet-lightning-v7-b3-train.ipynb | |
ResNeSt V1 | 0.01582 | 0.01853 | 0.01636 | deepinsight-resnest-lightning-v1-train.ipynb | |
ResNeSt V2 | 0.01576 | 0.01854 | 0.01636 | deepinsight-resnest-lightning-v2-train.ipynb | |
- Original Submission Notebook:
./final/Best CV/blend-search-optuna-v7.ipynb
- Cleaned Submission Notebook:
./final/Best CV/final-best-CV-cleaned.ipynb
All of the training can be done by running notebooks above as a kaggle notebook. This generates pickled preprocessing modules, model weights used by inference scripts, and predictions used in blend weights search.
Once oof predictions are generated, run the blend weight search notebooks to determine good blending weights for the set of models. The weights in the submission notebooks need to be updated manually.
The submission notebooks make inference by running each single-model inference scripts and blending the predictions. All of the training notebooks must be added as dataset to load preprocessing class instances and model weights.
To make predictions on a new dataset, you just need to replace test_features.csv
in input dataset.
Please refer to this documentation.
All of our solution code are open-sourced under the Apache 2.0 license.