This is an example application integration multiple commonly used java technologies to have a base skeleton for rapid and proper application development.
- REST APIs with versioning and either auto generating swagger / OpenAPI
- Syntax checking
- CloudFormation script for deploying to AWS
- spring boot
- spring
- liquibase
- hibernate
- lombock
- docker
- docker-compose
- swagger (Swagger Fox)
Dependencies, and configuration files
Database connection for spring boot application
Database connection for manual maven liquibase commands
Folder for database migrations (using liquibase)
mvn compile
Build docker image
mvn install dockerfile:build
Build docker image without tests
mvn install dockerfile:build -DskipTests
Run mysql and application with docker-compose
docker-compose up
Start only the database if you want to analyse the content
docker-compose up db
Running unit and integration tests
mvn test
Add example user (Using httpie)
http POST :8080/user/add name==Johann [email protected] lastName==Goethe address==Weimar
Get all users (Using httpie)
http :8080/user/all
Generate a database from the database that is configured in src/resource/
mvn liquibase:generateChangeLog
See swagger metadata
Open Swagger UI