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Optimization techniques

Masataro Asai edited this page Feb 24, 2018 · 2 revisions

Use inlined functions instead of macros

Whenever you think you want to use macros just for inlining purpose, you should use a regular function with (declaim (inline ...)). Use compiler-macros if it doesn't work, and only in the case even compiler-macros has failed should you use macros.

On SBCL, inlining is equivalent to treating functions as a macro. The Python compiler performs all of constant propagation, type propagation and dead-code elimination on the code inside the inlined function.

Inlining a function also helps allocating objects on stack with (declare (dynamic-extent ...)).

Inlining recursive local functions

If you declare a tail-recursive local function inline, you get a poor-man's loop unrolling. You should carefully modify a special variable SB-EXT:*INLINE-EXPANSION-LIMIT*, and you still cannot control the detail.

For example, following code unrolls four recursions into one. Note that the code does not eliminate the bounds checking. However, if you further inline the entire function, and if the size of the array is known to be below *inline-expansion-limit* at compile time, then you can sometimes skip the bounds checking (due to dead-code elimination after certain recursions).

(setf sb-ext:*inline-expansion-limit* 4)
(defun fn (array)
  (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
  (let ((result 0))
    (declare (fixnum result)
             ((simple-array fixnum) array))
    (labels ((rec (index)
               (when (array-in-bounds-p array index)
                 (incf result (aref array index))
                 (rec (1+ index)))))
      (declare (inline rec))
      (rec 0)

; disassembly for FN
; Size: 122 bytes. Origin: #x22BE44F9
; 4F9:       31C9             XOR ECX, ECX                    ; no-arg-parsing entry point
; 4FB:       488B47F9         MOV RAX, [RDI-7]
; 4FF:       4885C0           TEST RAX, RAX
; 502:       7F09             JNLE L1
; 504: L0:   488BD1           MOV RDX, RCX
; 507:       488BE5           MOV RSP, RBP
; 50A:       F8               CLC
; 50B:       5D               POP RBP
; 50C:       C3               RET
; 50D: L1:   488B4F01         MOV RCX, [RDI+1]
; 511:       BB02000000       MOV EBX, 2
; 516:       EB59             JMP L3
; 518:       0F1F840000000000 NOP
; 520: L2:   48851D89FFFFFF   TEST RBX, [RIP-119]             ; [#x22BE44B0] = #x8000000000000001
; 527:       75DB             JNE L0
; 529:       488B77F9         MOV RSI, [RDI-7]
; 52D:       4839F3           CMP RBX, RSI
; 530:       7DD2             JNL L0
; 532:       488B749F01       MOV RSI, [RDI+RBX*4+1]
; 537:       4801CE           ADD RSI, RCX
; 53A:       488BCE           MOV RCX, RSI
; 53D:       4883C302         ADD RBX, 2
; 541:       488B77F9         MOV RSI, [RDI-7]
; 545:       4839F3           CMP RBX, RSI
; 548:       7DBA             JNL L0
; 54A:       488B749F01       MOV RSI, [RDI+RBX*4+1]
; 54F:       4801CE           ADD RSI, RCX
; 552:       488BCE           MOV RCX, RSI
; 555:       4883C302         ADD RBX, 2
; 559:       488B77F9         MOV RSI, [RDI-7]
; 55D:       4839F3           CMP RBX, RSI
; 560:       7DA2             JNL L0
; 562:       488B749F01       MOV RSI, [RDI+RBX*4+1]
; 567:       4801CE           ADD RSI, RCX
; 56A:       488BCE           MOV RCX, RSI
; 56D:       4883C302         ADD RBX, 2
; 571: L3:   EBAD             JMP L2