A Home Assistant Dashboard Card available through the Home Assistant Community Store showing the current date, time and a weather forecast.
Credits go to basmilius for the awesome weather icons.
Download the clock-weather-card.
Place the file in your Home Assistant's
folder. -
Add the configuration to your
.resources: - url: /local/clock-weather-card.js type: module
Add configuration for the card in your
Make sure the HACS component is installed and working.
Search for
in HACS and install it. -
Add the configuration to your
.resources: - url: /hacsfiles/clock-weather-car/clock-weather-card.js type: module
Restart Home Assistant.
Add configuration for the card in your
- type: custom:clock-weather-card
entity: weather.home
Name | Type | Requirement | Description | Default |
type | string | Required | custom:clock-weather-card |
entity | string | Required | ID of the weather entity | |
sun_entity | boolean | Optional | ID of the sun entity. Used to determine whether to show a day or night icon. If sun integration is not enabled, day icon will be shown | sun.sun |
weather_icon_type | fill | line |
Optional | Appearance of the large weather icon | line |
animated_icon | boolean | Optional | Whether the large weather icon should be animated | true |
forecast_days | number | Optional | Days of weather forecast to show | 5 |
locale | string2 | Optional | Language to use for date/time formatting and language specific text. If not provided, falls back to the locale set in HA | en |
Your weather provider may not provide today's weather as part of their weather forecast. You may consider switching to a different weather provider. OpenWeatherMap is one of the weather integrations providing today's weather.
Theme used: lovelace-ios-themes. ↩
Supported languages: