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GroupBy Elements Logic

GB Elements Logic SDK for integrating GroupBy's APIs into a front-end e-commerce application.


To clone this repo with submodules run:

git clone --recursive

or if the repo is already cloned and you want to install submodules only, run:

git submodule update --init


Run the ./scripts/ script to build all of the Elements-Logic packages.



The following commands are run in the context of an individual package contained within the Elements-Logic monorepo. The individual packages can be found within the packages/@groupby directory.

Building packages

To build an individual package, run the following command:

yarn build

To build an individual package in response to changes within the src directory, run the following command:

yarn dev


Tests are run with Mocha, Chai, and Sinon in Node. Alternatively, browser based testing is also supported and uses the Karma test runner. The following browsers are tested:

  • Chrome

To run tests for a specific plugin package, navigate to its directory and use the following commands based on the desired testing flow:

  • To run the tests for a specific package once:
yarn test
  • To run the tests for a specific package and watch the src and test directories to rerun the tests after any changes:
yarn tdd
  • To run the tests in a browser environment once:
yarn test:browser
  • To run the tests in a browser environment while watching the src and test directories for any changes:
yarn tdd:browser

Test coverage is also provided using Istanbul.


This project ships with ESLint configuration to enforce a consistent code style across *.ts files.

Package-specific linting

The following commands are run in the context of an individual package contained within the Elements-Logic monorepo. The individual packages can be found within the packages/@groupby directory.

To lint files for an individual package, navigate to its directory and use one of the following commands.

  • To lint the files under the src directory for an individual package:
yarn lint:scripts
  • To lint the files under the test directory for an individual package:
yarn lint:test

To run the automated lint fixes for an individual package, navigate to its directory and use one of the following commands.

  • To run automated lint fixes on the files under the src directory for an individual package:
yarn lint:scripts:fix
  • To run automated lint fixes on the files under the test directory for an individual package:
yarn lint:tests:fix

Project-wide linting

To lint all the Elements-Logic packages at once, run the following commands at the root of the monorepo:

  • To lint all files within each package's src directory:
yarn lint:scripts
  • To lint all files within each package's test directory:
yarn lint:tests
  • To run automated lint fixes on all files within each package's src directory:
yarn lint:scripts:fix
  • To run automated lint fixes on all files within each package's test directory:
yarn lint:tests:fix


The following command will generate documentation for each module in the packages directory. It uses TypeDoc and outputs to the docs directory.

yarn docs


To bundle the Elements-Logic packages, run the following command at the root of the monorepo:

yarn bundle

The resulting bundles can be found within the dist directory at the root of the repo.


To use elements-logic in the browser, point to a bundle with a script tag:

<script src="your-elements-logic-bundle"></script>

You can now instantiate Core and the plugins. For example:

const core = new GbElementsCore.Core();
const domEventsPlugin = new GbElementsPlugins.DomEventsPlugin()
const saytPlugin = new GbElementsPlugins.SaytPlugin({ subdomain: 'apparel' });
const saytDriverPlugin = new GbElementsPlugins.SaytDriverPlugin();
const searchPlugin = new GbElementsPlugins.SearchPlugin({ customerId: 'apparel' });
const searchDriverPlugin = new GbElementsPlugins.SearchDriverPlugin();

// register all plugins with core
core.register([saytPlugin, saytDriverPlugin, domEventsPlugin, searchPlugin, searchDriverPlugin]);

If you are additionally using elements-view, or require the search data to be transformed to be ready for your own views, you should define a productTransformer function that accepts a Record (a product as it is returned from a search), returns a Product (a product in the format needed for elements-view or your own views) and pass it to the saytDriverPlugin and searchDriverPlugin:

function productTransformer(record) {
  // ...transform a record/product in some way and return it
  return newProduct;

const core = new GbElementsCore.Core();
// ...instantiate other plugins

const saytDriverPlugin = new GbElementsPlugins.SaytDriverPlugin({ productTransformer });
const searchDriverPlugin = new GbElementsPlugins.SearchDriverPlugin({ productTransformer });