Some utils and obsolete libraries from AcTools.
First, basic DX11 renderer. Basic forward rendering without any features. Code is very bad, almost everything in one class, but it does a lot of cool stuff apart from being a custom showroom: it generates new ambient shadows, new track maps, finds livery colors. Also, of course, as a custom showroom it helps to draw new skins by auto-reloading changed psd-files automatically.
Deferred rendering with dynamic lighting, dynamic shadows, HDR, tricky SSLR… Sadly, I couldn’t find a way to move all materials here correctly, so I decided to switch to forward rendering instead. Also, with forward, I can vary options on-fly, getting either very high-performance simple renderer (≈900 FPS) or pretty good looking one (≈60 FPS, without MSAA or higher pixel density).
Simple Windows Forms app to view/edit material properties of any kn5 file.
Some attempt to optimize values from ai.ini using genetics mechanism.
Analyzes car's data to find similar solutions using sets of rules.
Collects specific fields from car's data to help to find some regularities.
Just a small wrapper for AcTools.Kn5Render.
Same, only a small wrapper.