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This is a small Vim plugin that facilitates planning, tracking and archiving Pomodoros.

I've found it surprising useful and thought I would release it.


Install in ~/.vim, or in ~\vimfiles if you're on Windows. This plugin should be fully pathogen compatible.

Vomodoro was developed against Vim 7.3 but earlier versions of Vim should work.

I strongly recommend you install the tabular plugin, as it's fantastic but also as Vomodoro will make use of it to align check boxes. The plugin should work without problems if you choose not to install tabular.




  • :PomodoroOpenArchive
    • Open the archived Pomodoros.
  • :PomodoroPerformArchive
    • Copy the to do list of Pomodoros to the archive file.
  • :PomodoroToDoToday
    • Open the to do list buffer.

These commands can (of course!) be mapped and I recommend mapping at least :PomodoroToDoToday.

Mappings defined in the to do list buffer

Within the to do list buffer, the following mappings are defined.

  • <ESC>
    • Close the buffer window.
  • q
    • Close the buffer window.
  • <CR>
    • Add a check box to the current line.

      If the current line already has ticked off boxes then the added box is represented using parentehses rather than square brackets. This indicates that the task was underestimated.

  • <SPACE>
    • Check off a box on the current line.

      If there are no empty boxes remaining on the current line, this will add a box (represented using parentheses) and mark it complete.

  • -
    • Check off the remaining boxes on the current line using dashes.

      This is used to show that the task was overestimated and was finished earlier than expected.


  • g:Pomo_ToDoTodayFilePath
    • The file used to back the to do list buffer. The default is $HOME/todotoday.
  • g:Pomo_ArchiveFilePath
    • The file used to back the archive buffer. The default is $HOME/archive.

Pomodoro Timer

Vomodoro is not a Pomodoro timer. If that's what you're looking for search harder, a billion exist. If you do need a timer, GTD has been working well for me.


Plan, track and archive Pomodoros in Vim






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