My configuration files for vim, bash, and whatever else it is I use on the computer these days. I use them both on OSX locally and on linux servers (using the bashrc_linux file as .bashrc, without .bash_profile)
At the moment it's configuration for bash, vim, git, tmux & screen, and some miscellaneous files (some nice programming fonts, short scripts I've found useful, etc).
NB: Note that in gitconfig, my user is set. So you'll want to change that to you or all your commits will have my name. Other than that, there's nothing personally tied to me.
There are two scripts this runs:
which inits git submodules and symlinks the dotfiles into place. If you have existing dotfiles where they need to go, those will be moved to an ~/old_dotfiles
sets a bunch of system preferences defaults in osx that I like, nothing too crazy.
If you don't want to change your system preferences, you can just run the first script _make_symlinks
For Vim powerline to work, you have to install a patched fonts. Open one of the *-Powerline.ttf
fonts in misc/fonts/
, click install, and set that as your font in iterm or terminal or whatever.
pypi packages
for python formatting. Make sure they're on your path (if you use homebrew python, install with pip and you'll be fine). -
exuberant ctags (not the osx builtin ctags), install it with
brew install ctags
vim needs ruby and python support (and you probably also want clipboard, --with-features=huge, etc). See [this gist] ( for tips compiling on osx. MacVim probably works too.
###Unversioned plugin notes:
Pathogen is from
python_pep8.vim is version 1.1 from
tommorrow-theme colorscheme is from, I made a few customizations to tomorrow-night-dcosson to make it darker