This webpage allows users to play a game of checkers. If the user creates an account they may also save games to play later.
Program creates a game | Select: 2 Player | Display: checkers board |
Program moves checkers | Select: checker, select: space | Update: checker row and column |
Program limits moves to diagonal movements | Select: checker, select: space | |
Program captures checkers | Select: checker, select: space | Delete: captured checker |
Program determines when double captures are available | Select: checker, select: space | Delete: captured checkerDelete: captured checker |
Program kings checkers: | Select: checker, select: space | Update: checker type |
Program switches player turn | Player 1 turn - select: checker, select: space | Player 2 turn |
Program determines when a player wins | Player 1 turn - select: checker, select: space | Player 1 Wins! |
- In your first terminal window:
- Start postgres:
$ postgres
- Start postgres:
- In your second terminal window:
- Start psql:
$ psql
- Create database:
- Start psql:
- In your third terminal window:
- Clone this repository to your desktop:
$ cd Desktop; git clone
- Navigate to the hair-salon directory:
$ cd checkers-project
- Create database schema from wildlife_tracker.sql:
$ psql checkers < checkers.sql
- Clone this repository to your desktop:
- Back in your second terminal window:
- Confirm the database has been restored correctly:
- Connect to wildlife_tracker database:
# \c checkers;
- Print out database tables:
# \dt;
- Connect to wildlife_tracker database:
- Confirm the database has been restored correctly:
- Back in your third terminal window:
- Run the app:
$ gradle run
- Run the app:
- In the browser of your choosing, navigate to "localhost:4567" (tested in Chrome).
Navigating to the previous webpage via the back button visually reverts the checkers the most recent prior position.
Sandro Alvarez: [email protected]
Satchel Grant: [email protected]
Chance Neff: [email protected]
Caleb Stevenson: [email protected]
Java, Spark, Velocity, SQL
This webpage is licensed under the GPL license.
Copyright © 2016 Sandro Alvarez, Satchel Grant, Chance Neff & Caleb Stevenson