This is a short repository that continuously saves to local files (using a websocket) the Bid and Ask Books of chosen tokens on Bittrex that have both BTC and ETH markets.
Node.js >= 6.0.0
bittrex-market repository: Copyright (c) 2017 Matthias Gliwka
This repository is published on npm.
$ npm install --save bittrex-markets-to-file
I have used this script while developing a trading bot in the last quarter of 2017. As there existed no websocket support for python, I chose to improvise and save locally all markets data (bid/ask price and volume), data that I could after that read and process in my main python script. I realised that this was not the most efficient solution, but developing a functional trading bot was more important at the time for me. Although I am not using this script for my project anymore (and neither nodeJs), I found the writing of this script to be both fun and educational.
I am now using the repository found here: python-bittrex-websocket Copyright (c) 2017 Stanislav Lazarov
For Monaco token (bittrex link for live BTC-MCO market)
const Trigger = require('bittrex-markets-to-file');
trigger = new Trigger();
trigger.market_trigger("MCO", "/absolute/path", 10);
// Don't forget to change "/absolute/path" with a path of your own choice
market_trigger(token_name, path, book_depth);
//token_name has to be in the short form : e.g. "LTC", "XMR"
//path should be the absolute path where the files should be saved
//book_depth is the size of the book that needs to be collected
Important: Two files will be created: "BTC-<token_name>.txt" and "ETH-<token_name>.txt". Each of the files will contain the ask and bid book details for the chosen depth. The data will be printed to the file in the format:
first-ask-price, first-ask-quantity, second-ask-price, second-ask-quantity ... chosen_depth-ask-price, chosen_depth-ask-quantity, first-bid-price, first-bid-quantity, second-bid-price, second-bid-quantity ... chosen_depth-bid-price, chosen_depth-bid-quantity
e.g. BTC-MCO.txt
The method opens a websocket connection. If more markets are intended to be connected, call the market_trigger function in a loop that parses through the desired token names.