μdezibert a.k.a. micro-dezibert is a fork from Dezibert. For more information on the original project, please see Claude's personal blog post and the Namics lab post on it.
The goal of micro-dezibert is to provide a simplified version, which does not require detailed knowledge in soldering or electronics and uses few parts. Schematics and documentation will be provided soon. The following SparkFun parts provide a preliminary list of parts.
- 1x ROB-09065 Servo - Small
- 1x COM-00105 Triple Output LED RGB
- 2x 100Ω Resistor
- 1x 180Ω Resistor
- 1x BOB-08669 Breakout Board for Electric Microphone
- 1x DEV-09219 Arduino Pro 328 - 5V/16MHz or any similar Arduino
- 1x Random switch (any button able to be pushed when lever reaches maximum)
Note: IP address, hostname and password have to be set to use the networking functionality.