Utilize filesystem as rustic database through REST requests to an
ultra-minimalist httpd. Performs ls <glob>
and static GET
headers to wrangle large filesystem operations.
Cross-platform: windows, cygwin, and linux. CI tests latter.
// serve
PORT=8001 BASE_DIR="$(pwd)/test" coffee index.coffee &
// directory listing `ls -R` as json
curl localhost:8001/**
// -> [ { name: "test/config.json", atime: "", mtime:"", ctime:"" }
// ... ]
curl localhost:8001/test/*.json
// -> [ { name: "test/log/0_clone.0000", atime: "", mtime:"", ctime:"" }
// ... ]
// tail -n 1 <filename>
curl -H "range: lines=-1" localhost:8001/test/log/0_clone.0000
// -> 010
// retrieve middle of file
curl -H "range: lines=3-5" localhost:8001/test/config.json
// ->
// "0_clone": ["chk.sh 0_clone" , "1_build"],
// "1_build": ["chk.sh 1_build" , "2_exec"],
// "2_exec": ["chk.sh 2_exec" , "4_clone_mona"],