Package money implements immutable monetary amounts and exchange rates for Go.
- Immutability - Once set, an amount or exchange rate remains constant, ensuring safe concurrent access across goroutines.
- Banker's Rounding - Uses half-to-even rounding, also known as "banker's rounding", to minimize cumulative rounding errors commonly seen in financial calculations.
- No Panics - All methods are panic-free, returning errors instead of crashing your application in cases such as overflow, division by zero, or currency mismatch.
- Zero Heap Allocation - Optimized to avoid heap allocations, reducing garbage collector impact during arithmetic operations.
- High Precision - Supports up to 19 digits of precision, representing amounts from -99,999,999,999,999,999.99 to 99,999,999,999,999,999.99 inclusive.
- Correctness - Arithmetic operations are cross-validated against the cockroachdb/apd and shopspring/decimal packages through extensive fuzz testing.
To add the money package to your Go workspace:
go get
Create an amount using one of the constructors. After creating an amount, you can perform various operations as shown below:
package main
import (
func main() {
// Constructors
a, _ := money.NewAmount("USD", 8, 0) // a = $8.00
b, _ := money.ParseAmount("USD", "12.5") // b = $12.50
c, _ := money.NewAmountFromFloat64("USD", 2.567) // c = $2.567
d, _ := money.NewAmountFromInt64("USD", 7, 896, 3) // d = $7.896
r, _ := money.NewExchRate("USD", "EUR", 9, 1) // r = $/€ 0.9
x, _ := decimal.New(2, 0) // x = 2
// Operations
fmt.Println(a.Add(b)) // $8.00 + $12.50
fmt.Println(a.Sub(b)) // $8.00 - $12.50
fmt.Println(a.SubAbs(b)) // abs($8.00 - $12.50)
fmt.Println(a.Mul(x)) // $8.00 * 2
fmt.Println(a.AddMul(b, x)) // $8.00 + $12.50 * 2
fmt.Println(a.SubMul(b, x)) // $8.00 - $12.50 * 2
fmt.Println(r.Conv(a)) // $8.00 * $/€ 0.9
fmt.Println(a.Quo(x)) // $8.00 / 2
fmt.Println(a.AddQuo(b, x)) // $8.00 + $12.50 / 2
fmt.Println(a.SubQuo(b, x)) // $8.00 - $12.50 / 2
fmt.Println(a.QuoRem(x)) // $8.00 div 2, $8.00 mod 2
fmt.Println(a.Rat(b)) // $8.00 / $12.50
fmt.Println(a.Split(3)) // $8.00 into 3 parts
// Rounding to 2 decimal places
fmt.Println(c.RoundToCurr()) // 2.57
fmt.Println(c.CeilToCurr()) // 2.57
fmt.Println(c.FloorToCurr()) // 2.56
fmt.Println(c.TruncToCurr()) // 2.56
// Conversions
fmt.Println(d.Int64(9)) // 7 896000000
fmt.Println(d.Float64()) // 7.896
fmt.Println(d.String()) // USD 7.896
// Formatting
fmt.Printf("%v", d) // USD 7.896
fmt.Printf("%[1]f %[1]c", d) // 7.896 USD
fmt.Printf("%f", d) // 7.896
fmt.Printf("%c", d) // USD
fmt.Printf("%d", d) // 790
For detailed documentation and additional examples, visit the package documentation.
Comparison with other popular packages:
Feature | govalues | rhymond v1.0.10 | bojanz v1.2.1 |
Speed | High | Medium | Medium |
Numeric Representation | Floating Point | Fixed Point | Floating Point |
Precision | 19 digits | 18 digits | 39 digits |
Default Rounding | Half to even | Not supported | Half up |
Overflow Control | Yes | No1 | Yes |
Support for Division | Yes | No | Yes |
Support for Currency Conversion | Yes | No | Yes |
goos: linux
goarch: amd64
cpu: AMD Ryzen 7 3700C with Radeon Vega Mobile Gfx
Test Case | Expression | govalues | rhymond v1.0.10 | bojanz v1.2.1 | govalues vs rhymond | govalues vs bojanz |
Add | $2.00 + $3.00 | 22.95n | 218.30n | 144.10n | +851.41% | +528.02% |
Mul | $2.00 * 3 | 21.80n | 133.40n | 239.60n | +511.79% | +998.83% |
Quo (exact) | $2.00 / 4 | 80.12n | n/a | 468.05n | n/a | +484.19% |
Quo (inexact) | $2.00 / 3 | 602.1n | n/a | 512.4n | n/a | -14.91% |
Split | $2.00 into 10 parts | 374.9n | 897.0n | n/a | +139.28% | n/a |
Conv | $2.00 to € | 30.88n | n/a | 348.50n | n/a | +1028.38% |
Parse | $1 | 44.99n | 139.50n | 99.09n | +210.07% | +120.26% |
Parse | $123.456 | 61.45n | 148.60n | 240.90n | +141.82% | +292.03% |
Parse | $123456789.1234567890 | 131.2n | 204.4n | 253.0n | +55.85% | +92.87% |
String | $1 | 38.48n | 200.70n | 89.92n | +421.50% | +133.65% |
String | $123.456 | 56.34n | 229.90n | 127.05n | +308.02% | +125.49% |
String | $123456789.1234567890 | 84.73n | 383.30n | 277.55n | +352.38% | +227.57% |
Telco | see specification | 224.2n | n/a | 1944.0n | n/a | +766.89% |
The benchmark results shown in the table are provided for informational purposes only and may vary depending on your specific use case.