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optimus-any2any is a versatile tool designed to transfer data from any source to any sink with configurable options. It supports various data sources and sinks, providing a flexible and powerful way to handle data transfers.

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optimus-any2any is a versatile tool designed to transfer data from any source to any sink with configurable options. It supports various data sources and sinks, providing a flexible and powerful way to handle data transfers.


  • Transfer data between multiple sources and sinks.
  • Configurable through command-line options.
  • Supports environment variable configurations.
  • High performance and reliability.


To install the tool, download the binary from the releases page and make it executable:

chmod +x any2any


Here are some examples of how to use optimus-any2any:

Basic Usage

Transfer data from a file to MaxCompute (MC):

./any2any --from=file --to=mc

Transfer data from MaxCompute (MC) to Kafka and OSS:

./any2any --from=mc --to=kafka --to=oss

It expects configuration from env variables. Or you can pass configuration from arguments env directly:

./any2any --from=file --to=mc \
--env="FILE__PATH=./in.txt" \
--env="MC__CREDENTIALS='{creds:1}'" \

Configuration convention

<source/sink>__<config_name>, example:

  • FILE__PATH: Path to the input file.
  • MC__CREDENTIALS: Credentials for MaxCompute.
  • MC__DESTINATION_TABLE_ID: Destination table ID in MaxCompute.

Advanced Usage

Use JQ processor to filter or transform data before transferring:

You can use the JQ processor to filter or transform data before transferring it to the sink. The JQ processor allows you to apply any valid jq query to the data. It's a default processor that can be used with any source or sink.

./any2any --from=file --to=mc \
--env="FILE__PATH=./in.txt" \
--env="MC__CREDENTIALS='{creds:1}'" \
--env="MC__DESTINATION_TABLE_ID=project.sample.table" \
--env="JQ__QUERY=.[] | select(.age > 30)"

Use direct execution without data transfer (experimentational):

It applies when sink and source are in the same environment. For example, transferring data from OSS to MaxCompute table. Use the --no-pipeline flag to execute the source and sink directly without transferring data.

./any2any --from=oss --to=mc --no-pipeline \
--env="OSS2MC__SOURCE_URI=oss://bucket/path" \
--env="OSS2MC__CREDENTIALS='{creds:1}'" \

Supported Sources

Component Configuration Description
FILE FILE__SOURCE_URI Path to the input file. Format file:///directory/to/folder/or/file.ext
SF SF__HOST Salesforce instance host.
SF__USER Salesforce username.
SF__PASS Salesforce password.
SF__TOKEN Salesforce security token.
SF__SOQL_FILE_PATH Path to the SOQL query file.
GMAIL GMAIL__TOKEN Token JSON for gmail credentials
GMAIL__FILTER Gmail filter based on gmail filter rules
MC MC__CREDENTIALS Credentials for MaxCompute.
MC__PRE_QUERY_FILE_PATH Path to the pre sql query file. (empty for ignore)
MC__QUERY_FILE_PATH Path to the query file.
MC__EXECUTION_PROJECT Project ID for the query execution.
MC__ADDITIONAL_HINTS Additional hints for the execution query.
MC__LOG_VIEW_RETENTION_IN_DAYS Log view retention in days. (default: 2)
OSS__SOURCE_URI The source path in a OSS bucket to read the files. Format oss://bucket/path/to/folder/or/file.json.
OSS__CSV_DELIMITER Delimiter for CSV file format. (default: ,)
OSS__SKIP_HEADER Skip header for CSV file format. (default: false)

Supported Sinks

Component Configuration Description
FILE FILE__DESTINATION_URI Path to the output file. Format file:///directory/to/somthing.extension
MC MC__CREDENTIALS Credentials for MaxCompute.
MC__DESTINATION_TABLE_ID Destination table ID in Maxcompute.
MC__LOAD_METHOD Load method availability: APPEND, REPLACE. (default: APPEND)
MC__UPLOAD_MODE Upload mode availability: STREAM, REGULAR. (default: STREAM)
MC__ALLOW_SCHEMA_MISMATCH Allow schema mismatch. (default: false)
MC__EXECUTION_PROJECT Project ID for the query execution.
IO - -
OSS__BATCH_SIZE Batch size for the file upload. Keep empty for ignore
OSS__DESTINATION_URI The destination path in a OSS bucket to put the result files. Format oss://bucket/path/to/file.extension
OSS__ENABLE_OVERWRITE Flag to overwrite the file based on destination bucket path.
OSS__SKIP_HEADER Skip header for CSV file format. (default: false)
SFTP SFTP__PRIVATE_KEY SFTP private key for authentication. "" for ignore
SFTP__HOST_FINGERPRINT SFTP host fingerprint for authentication. "" for ignore
SFTP__DESTINATION_URI Following the rfc2396 format sftp://user[:password]@host[:port]/path/to/folder/or/file.extension
SMTP SMTP__CONNECTION_DSN SMTP connection dsn, format smtp://user[:password]@host[:port], if port is not specified, default port 587 will be used. user and password should be url encoded.
SMTP__FROM SMTP from email address.
SMTP__TO SMTP to, cc, and bcc email address, format: to:[email protected][,[email protected]]...[;cc:(,[email protected])...][;bcc:(,[email protected])...]
SMTP__SUBJECT SMTP email subject.
SMTP__BODY_FILE_PATH SMTP email body from given path.
SMTP__ATTACHMENT_FILENAME SMTP email attachment filename.
PG__DESTINATION_TABLE_ID Destination table ID in Postgres.
PG__PRE_SQL_SCRIPT SQL script to run before the data transfer.
PG__BATCH_SIZE Batch size for the record inserted in one request. (default: 512)
REDIS REDIS__CONNECTION_DSN DSN redis for connection establishment redis[s]://[[username][:password]@]host[:port][,host2[:port2]...][/db-number]
REDIS__CONNECTION_TLS_CERT Redis TLS certificate. (optional)
REDIS__CONNECTION_TLS_CACERT Redis TLS CA certificate. (optional)
REDIS__CONNECTION_TLS_KEY Redis TLS key. (optional)
REDIS__RECORD_KEY Key for the record inserted, eg example:key:[[ .field_key ]]
REDIS__RECORD_VALUE Value for the record inserted, eg [[ .field_value ]] or [[ . | tojson ]]
REDIS__BATCH_SIZE Batch size for the record inserted in one request. (default: 512)
HTTP HTTP__METHOD HTTP method availability: POST, PUT, PATCH
HTTP__ENDPOINT HTTP endpoint to send the data.
HTTP__HEADER HTTP headers for the request, key:value with comma separated
HTTP__HEADERS_FILE_PATH HTTP headers loaded from file.
HTTP__BODY HTTP body for the request.
HTTP__BODY_FILE_PATH HTTP body loaded from file.
HTTP__BATCH_SIZE Batch size for the HTTP request.
KAFKA KAFKA__BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS Kafka bootstrap servers, comma-separated.
KAFKA__TOPIC Kafka topic to write the data.

Supported Processors

Component Configuration Description
JQ JQ__QUERY Any valid jq query. If set, it will override the query from file path.
JQ__QUERY_FILE_PATH Any valid jq query loaded from file.

Supported Direct Execution For Data Transfer

Component Configuration Description
OSS2MC OSS2MC__CREDENTIALS Credentials for MaxCompute.
OSS2MC__SOURCE_URI The source path in a OSS bucket to read the files. Format oss://bucket/path/to/folder
OSS2MC__DESTINATION_TABLE_ID Destination table ID in Maxcompute.
OSS2MC__FILE_FORMAT File format availability: CSV, JSON. (default: JSON)
OSS2MC__LOAD_METHOD Load method availability: APPEND, REPLACE. (default: APPEND)
OSS2MC__PARTITION_VALUES Partition values for the destination table. Format partitionkey1=value1,partitionkey2=value2. "" for ignore (default: "")
OSS2MC__LOG_VIEW_RETENTION_IN_DAYS Log view retention in days. (default: 2)


optimus-any2any is a versatile tool designed to transfer data from any source to any sink with configurable options. It supports various data sources and sinks, providing a flexible and powerful way to handle data transfers.







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