Vagrant provider for VMware vCloud Air®

Version 0.5.0 doesn't work with Vagrant 1.6.5+, please upgrade to v0.5.1 (see upgrade instructions below)
We have a wide array of boxes available at Vagrant Cloud you can use them directly or you can roll your own as you please, make sure to install VMware tools in it.
This plugin supports the universal vmware_ovf
box format, that is 100% portable between vagrant-vcloud, vagrant-vcenter and vagrant-vcloudair, no more double boxes!.
If you're unsure about what are the correct network settings for your Vagrantfile make sure to check out the Network Deployment Options wiki page.
Check the full releases changelog here
Latest version can be easily installed by running the following command:
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vcloudair
Vagrant will download all the required gems during the installation process.
After the install has completed a vagrant up --provider=vcloudair
will trigger the newly installed provider.
If you already have vagrant-vcloudair installed you can update to the latest version available by issuing:
vagrant plugin update vagrant-vcloudair
Vagrant will take care of the upgrade process.
Here's a sample Vagrantfile that builds a docker host on vCloud Air and starts a Wordpress container on port 80, make sure you replace the placeholders with your own values.
# Set our default provider for this Vagrantfile to 'vcloudair'
nodes = [
{ hostname: 'vagrant-test1', box: 'gosddc/trusty64' },
Vagrant.configure('2') do |config|
# vCloud Air provider settings
config.vm.provider :vcloudair do |vcloudair|
vcloudair.username = '<username@domain>'
vcloudair.password = '<password>'
# if you're using a vCloud Air Dedicated Cloud, put the cloud id here, if
# you're using a Virtual Private Cloud, skip this parameter.
vcloudair.cloud_id = '<dedicated cloud id>'
vcloudair.vdc_name = '<vdc name>'
# Set the network to deploy our VM on
vcloudair.vdc_network_name = '<vdc network name>'
# Set our Edge Gateway and the public IP we're going to use.
vcloudair.vdc_edge_gateway = '<vdc edge gateway>'
vcloudair.vdc_edge_gateway_ip = '<vdc edge gateway public ip>'
# Catalog that holds our templates.
vcloudair.catalog_name = 'Vagrant'
# Set our Memory and CPU to a sensible value for Docker.
vcloudair.memory = 2048
vcloudair.cpus = 2
# Go through nodes and configure each of them.
nodes.each do |node|
config.vm.define node[:hostname] do |node_config|
# Set the box we're using = node[:box]
# Set the hostname for the box
node_config.vm.hostname = node[:hostname]
# Fix a customization problem on Ubuntu and vCloud Air.
node_config.vm.provision 'shell', inline: 'echo "nameserver" >> tmp; sudo mv tmp /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base; sudo resolvconf -u'
# Fetch and run Docker and the 'tutum/wordpress' container.
node_config.vm.provision 'docker' do |d| 'tutum/wordpress', cmd: '/', args: '-p 80:80'
# Declare NFS non functional as our plugin doesn't provide for it.
node_config.nfs.functional = false
For additional documentation on different network setups with vCloud Director, check the Network Deployment Options Wiki page
What is still missing:
- TEST SUITES! (working on that).
- Permission checks, make sure you have at least Catalog Admin privileges if you want to upload boxes to vCloud.
- Some spaghetti code here and there.