Releases: google-coral/edgetpu-platforms
Precompiled images with Coral Edgetpu and Examples
Pre-compiled images. Simply write to an sdcard and boot your raspberry pi.
NOTE: This images are not officially supported by the Coral team, and come as is.
The contained examples inside the home directory may be out of date - you can use git pull
to update them directly from github.
edgetpu_api_1.9.2 for Raspberry Pi Zero
This release contains the beta-version of edgetpu_api.tar.gz compiled for Raspberry Pi Zero and Zero W.
DISCLAIMER: Please note that this is not an officially supported Google product. These additional precompiled libraries are provided as is, at best effort. We will try to keep these unofficial builds in sync with the officially supported ones, but they may lag behind.
You may either download edgetpu_api_rpi0_1.9.2.tar.gz and install on your existing Rasbian system
or download a prebuilt image (rpi0-raspbian-stretch-edgetpu-1.9.2.img.gz) and write it to an SD card.
For manual installation:
Download edgetpu_api_rpi0_1.9.2.tar.gz to your device, untar it and run the script inside.
tar xzf edgetpu_api_rpi0_1.9.2.tar.gz
cd edgetpu_api
sudo apt-get update
bash ./
After installation, follow the rest of the instructions on the Coral Website just like on any other platform.
Edgetpu_API beta for Raspberry Pi Zero
This release contains the beta-version of edgetpu_api.tar.gz compiled for Raspberry Pi Zero and Zero W.
DISCLAIMER: Please note that this is not an officially supported Google product. These additional precompiled libraries are provided as is, at best effort. We will try to keep these unofficial builds in sync with the officially supported ones, but they may lag behind.
Download edgetpu_api_rpi0_beta.tar.gz to your device, untar it and run the script inside.
tar xzf edgetpu_api_rpi0_beta.tar.gz
cd edgetpu_api
sudo apt-get update
bash ./
After installation, follow the rest of the instructions on the Coral Website just like on any other platform.
edgetpu_api_1.9.2 for Raspberry Pi 2
This release contains the beta-version of edgetpu_api.tar.gz compiled for Raspberry Pi 2.
DISCLAIMER: Please note that this is not an officially supported Google product. These additional precompiled libraries are provided as is, at best effort. We will try to keep these unofficial builds in sync with the officially supported ones, but they may lag behind.
Download edgetpu_api_rpi2_1.9.2.tar.gz to your device, untar it and run the script inside.
tar xzf edgetpu_api_rpi2_1.9.2.tar.gz
cd edgetpu_api
sudo apt-get update
bash ./
After installation, follow the rest of the instructions on the Coral Website just like on any other platform.