Semantic version updater for cordova config.xml files
npm i cordova-version-updater -g
Will update one (and only one) of either major, minor, or patch versions, and write the changes to the config file. It defaults to config.xml
in the current directory, however you can specify a path by cv-update -p project/cordova/config.xml
, for example.
> cv-update -h
Usage: cv-update [options] <file>
Semantic versioning updater for cordova config.xml files
-M --major Increments major version
-m --minor Increments minor version
-p --patch Increments patch version
-z --zero Zero out the lower versions when updating a minor
or major versions, e.g.: 1.2.4 to 2.0.0
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help output usage information
npm run test
👤 David Goodwin <[email protected]>
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