Pytorch implementation of autoencoders as a coursework in AI502 Deep Learning.
Aim to reproduce one or two experimental result(s) of the original papers.
Experiments are coducted based on MNIST, FreyFace, dSprites or CelebA datasets which is public for academical use.
- FreyFace :
- dSprites :
- CelebA :
Please download the datasets and save into 'MODEL_DIRECTORY/data/' as a preparation.
Denoising Autoencoder (ICML 2008)
- Paper link :
- Main idea : corrupting certain portion of the input to obtain robust feature
- report
- reproduction
Filter plot by increasing corruption rate (0% -> 25% -> 50%)
K-sparse Autoencoder (ICLR 2014)
- Paper link :
- Main idea : exploiting only K largest activations as a way of sparse coding
- report
- reproduction
Filter plot by increasing the number of activated units (10 -> 25 -> 40 -> 70)
Variational Autoencoder (ICLR 2014)
- Paper link :
- Main idea : inferring the latent variable in generative process by autoencoder
- report
- reproduction
Latent space of MNIST and FreyFace datasets. By traversing each axis, the images changes in monotonical manner.
Stick-Breaking Variational Autoencoder (ICLR 2017)
- Paper link :
- Main idea : allowing possibly infinite size of latent variable with dirichlet process
- report (to be filled)
- reproduction
Beta Variational Autoencoer (ICLR 2017)
- Paper link :
- Main idea : constraining the value of the regularization term for interpretability
- report
- reproduction-dSprites, reproduction-CelebA
Latent traverse of CelebA dataset. (Left) direction, (Right) hair color