Timesheet Applcation is a system that focuses primarily on managing the attendance and makes easy for you to track your monthly and weekly hours balance.
A live version of this application can be found at https://timesheet-io.herokuapp.com
- Authentication with Devise.
- Track the attendance of employees with Clock-in / Clock-out actions.
- Allow user to clocked-in/out wihtin a day without overlapping the time.
- User can Edit | Delete their time entries
- Monthly and weekly working hour balance.
- Database with PostgreSQL.
- Tests with Rspec.
- [Ruby on Rails]
- [ReactJS]
- [Material Ui]
The application requires Ruby on Rails 6, NodeJs and PostgreSQL to run. In order to run this locally, the following is required:
- Ruby (version 2.7.4)
- Rails (version 6.1.4)
- PostgreSQL (version 10.5)
Install the dependencies.
$ cd timesheet_app
$ bundle install
$ yarn install
Create and migrate database and start the server.
$ rails db:create db:migrate
$ rails s
$ rake db:seed
$ rake defaultusers_setup:fill_database
To access the application as an administrator, use the following account:
email: [email protected]
password: password
To access the application as an employee, use the following account:
email: [email protected]
password: password
Each User and their clockin/out event logged in the database will contain the following schema:
User Table
- ID (Primary Key)
- Username (String)
- Email (String)
- Password (String)
- Role (Integer)
- Created At (Timestamp)
- Updated At (Timestamp)
Clock Event Table
- ID (Primary Key)
- Entry Date (Datetime)
- Clock In (Datetime)
- Clock Out (Datetime)
- Clocking In (Boolean)
- Note (String)
- Created At (Timestamp)
- Updated At (Timestamp)
To run the Rspec tests, you should be on the path of the project.
You will be able to run the Rspec tests by using this command:
bundle exec rspec spec
- Write MORE Tests.
- Extend user Role.
- Create reports for Admin.
- Create calendar visualization for Timesheet.
- Add real time and email notifications.