Background: why develop this component? At present, video synthesis technology is used in our flitter app, which involves the clipping of video or picture materials. At present, the common components in the market are based on pictures, and basically use canvas for rendering and clipping, which does not meet our business needs, so we need to develop a clipping component ourselves.
At the beginning of requirement design, considering the habit of gesture and referring to most editing tools, the following requirements are defined:
The clipping Box is fixed in a position on the screen. The position and size of the material can be adjusted by dragging with one finger and zooming with two fingers to frame the clipping range
The minimum edge of the material cannot be less than the corresponding edge of the clipping box, that is, the clipping Box can only move relatively within the range of the material
The types of supporting materials include pictures and videos
name | type | desc | default |
cropRect | Rect | If you do not fill in the initial clipping region, it will be filled and centered by default, which is similar to cover | - |
clipSize | Size | Size of material to be cut | Required |
cropRatio | Size | Crop box scale, default16:9 |
Size(16, 9) |
child | Widget | Material to be cut | Required |
maxCropSize | Size | The maximum width and height of the current scale of the clipping box is mainly used when the size of the clipping box needs to be adjusted actively. If there is no special requirement, it does not need to be configured | Calculate based on parent component |
maxScale | Double | Maximum size allowed to enlarge | 10.0 |
needInnerBorder | bool | Whether the inner border decoration is required in the square mode (if there are rounded corners, it will not be displayed) | false |
cropBoxType | CropBoxType | Crop box style, default square, can be changed to circle. If it is a circle, the value set by CropRatio will be invalid and forced to 1:1 |
CropBoxType.Square |
gridLine | GridLine | Clipping gridlines | - |
backgroundColor | Color | Background Color | Color(0xff141414) |
maskColor | Color | Mask Color | Color.fromRGBO(0, 0, 0, 0.5) |
cropBoxBorder | CropBoxBorder | Crop box style, including color, width and rounded corner information | cropBoxBorder.width = 2 cropBoxBorder.color = Colors.white cropBoxBorder.radius = Radius.circular(0) |
cropRectUpdateStart | Function | Callback when crop region begins to change | - |
cropRectUpdate | Function(Rect rect) | Callback when clipping region changes | - |
cropRectUpdateEnd | Function(Rect rect) | Callback when clipping region end | Required |
Can see
in github
crop_box: ^0.1.5
import 'package:crop_box/crop_box.dart';
// ...
// cropRect: Rect.fromLTRB(1 - 0.4083, 0.162, 1, 0.3078), // 2.4倍 随机位置
// cropRect: Rect.fromLTRB(0, 0, 0.4083, 0.1457), //2.4倍,都是0,0
cropRect: Rect.fromLTRB(0, 0, 1, 0.3572), // 1倍
clipSize: Size(200, 315),
cropRatio: Size(16, 9),
cropRectUpdateEnd: (rect) {
print("rect final $rect");
cropRectUpdate: (rect) {
print("rect change $rect");
width: double.infinity,
height: double.infinity,
fit: BoxFit.cover,
loadingBuilder: (BuildContext context, Widget child, ImageChunkEvent loadingProgress) {
if (loadingProgress == null)
return child;
return Center(
child: CircularProgressIndicator(
value: loadingProgress.expectedTotalBytes != null
? loadingProgress.cumulativeBytesLoaded / loadingProgress.expectedTotalBytes
: null,
You can Use ImageCrop.getResult
to get real image bytes.
more details in
/// get origin image uint8List
Uint8List bytes = (await NetworkAssetBundle(Uri.parse(imageUrl))
/// get result uint8List
Uint8List result = await ImageCrop.getResult(
clipRect: _resultRect,
image: bytes
Dynamically transform crop box scale
Support circle clipping box drawing
Optimize boundary calculation code
Support the drawing of fillet clipping box
Support rotation
Support Gridlines
Real image crop to Uint8List