This repo contains my work in progress micropython kernel notebooks for developing an asynchronous webserver and various sensor datalogging and analysis services primarily on an ESP32.
As code gets finished it is placed into .py files that can be deployed using the %sendtofile command
To install the Jupyter Micropython kernel into your copy of Jupyter, go here:
esp32_commissioning and esp8266_commissioning
- get the async code in right place (copied out from micropython-libs with a fetch)
- the graph should receive its types and instructions in the websocket request
- blank websocket graphing should just give sine waves without a sensor
- we can then combine and feed the orientation and laser sensor values into the graph
esptool.ipynb is good for flashing and reloading new micropython binaries onto your ESP32
notebooks that begin with "pc_" run on your pc and open serial connections to your ESP32
- and connectwifi.pyare modules for doing what they say (the latter requires a wificodes.txt file for the passwords)
- is a handy system logger module that tracks reboots
commission_async.ipnb loads the uasyncio library, either by copying it up from a local copy or using upip. (This won't be necessary once it becomes part of the core library, as it is on the ESP8266)
- and are the necessary functions for operating the webserver and websockets capabilitie. They contain functions like readhttpheaders(), and so on.
- is a file that turns your ESP32 into a static file webserver (although you can use uploadfiletest.html to upload and save text files for more rapid development of web front end).
plain_server.ipynb deploys (and develops) this plain webserver.
There are notebooks for the devices ms5611 (barometer), si7021 (humidity), VL53L0X (shortrange lidar to 1m), bme280 (baro,humid,temp).
These are in various states of development, but in general are very trimmed down to the essentials and intended to be operated as python generators rather than as bloated class objects
Finished code is in .py files.