Without this repo, I could not complete my whole project!
All of my project code is based on this repo.
The Directory of our project.
${Trajectron root}
├── data
├── experiments
├── Transformer
└── requirements.txt
The setting of nuScenes dataset is quite complicate. So we zip the FULL Dataset and store in nas, you can downloaded by the command below or download by official website Then unzip the file at correspond folder.
${Trajectron root}
├── data
`-- ├── sets --> unzip here!
Create directory :
mkdir -p ~/data/sets
Download nuScene dataset:
wget --no-check-certificate -O dataset.tar.xz ""
For the following process, we first need to create a fresh environment, and there are two method to choose conda or virtualenv.
Notice!! /usr/bin/python3.6 is default path, please modify the path according to your Environment!
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.6 py3.6_env
source py3.6_env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements_3.6.txt
conda create --name Fusion_trans python=3.6 -y
source activate Fusion_trans
pip install -r requirements.txt
For nuScenes devkit.
pip install nuscenes-devkit
${Trajectron root}
`-- experiments
To preprocess the nuScenes data, you can execute the command below in nuScene
directory, depending on the data version you desire.
Typo preprocess | Command |
Map preprocess | python3 --data=../../data/sets/nuscenes/v1.0/ --version=v1.0-trainval --output_path=../processed_data |
Lane preprocess | python3 --data=../../data/sets/nuscenes/v1.0/ --version=v1.0-trainval --output_path=../processed_data --lane_process |
${Trajectron root}
├── Transformer
To train a model with nuScene data, you can execute the command below in Transformer
directory, depending on the model version you desire.
Note that the device parameter depends on your machine if machine don't have gpu use "cpu".
Model | Command |
Basic | python3 --eval_every 1 --vis_every 1 --conf ../experiments/nuScene/config/config.json --data_name nuScenes --preprocess_workers 8 --batch_size 128 --log_dir ../experiments/nuScene/models --train_epochs 20 --node_freq_mult_train --log_tag basic_transformer --augment --autoregressive --device "cuda:1" |
Map_encoding_CNN | python3 --eval_every 1 --vis_every 1 --conf ../experiments/nuScene/config/config.json --data_name nuScenes --preprocess_workers 8 --batch_size 128 --log_dir ../experiments/nuScene/models --train_epochs 20 --node_freq_mult_train --log_tag CNN_transformer --augment --autoregressive --map_cnn_encoding --device "cuda:1" |
Map_encoding_ViT | python3 --eval_every 1 --vis_every 1 --conf ../experiments/nuScene/config/config.json --data_name nuScenes --preprocess_workers 8 --batch_size 128 --log_dir ../experiments/nuScene/models --train_epochs 20 --node_freq_mult_train --log_tag ViT_transformer --augment --autoregressive --map_vit_encoding --device "cuda:1" |
Lane_encoding_CNN | python3 --eval_every 1 --vis_every 1 --conf ../experiments/nuScene/config/config.json --data_name nuScenes --preprocess_workers 8 --batch_size 128 --log_dir ../experiments/nuScene/models --train_epochs 20 --node_freq_mult_train --log_tag Lane_transformer --augment --autoregressive --lane_cnn_encoding --device "cuda:1" |
${Trajectron root}
├── experiments
`-- nuScene
If you want to evaluate the trained model to generate trajectories and plot them, you can use NuScenes Qualitative.ipynb
To evaluate a trained model's performance on forecasting vehicles, you can execute a one of the following commands from within the experiments/nuScenes
1. that the testing dataset will be slightly different between map and lane we filter more data in lane.
2. Lane encoding CNN can not use map data but other method could use both data to evaluate.
Model | Command |
Basic | python --model models/basic_transformer --checkpoint=20 --data ../processed_data/nuScenes_test_map_full.pkl --output_path results --output_tag basic_transformer --node_type VEHICLE --prediction_horizon 12 |
Map_encoding_CNN | python --model models/CNN_transformer --checkpoint=20 --data ../processed_data/nuScenes_test_map_full.pkl --output_path results --output_tag CNN_transformer --node_type VEHICLE --prediction_horizon 12 |
Map_encoding_ViT | python --model models/ViT_transformer --checkpoint=20 --data ../processed_data/nuScenes_test_map_full.pkl --output_path results --output_tag ViT_transformer --node_type VEHICLE --prediction_horizon 12 |
Lane_encoding_CNN | python --model models/Lane_transformer --checkpoint=20 --data ../processed_data/nuScenes_test_lane_full.pkl --output_path results --output_tag Lane_transformer --node_type VEHICLE --prediction_horizon 12 |
- Rename Folders and command.
- Debug Lane preprocess.
- Coding plot code for evaluation.
- Update the data link with new zip file.
- Update the requirment txt to the latest version.
- Update the python version.
- Update the code structure :
- Remove unused part.(Pedestrian)
- Integrate Unit test to repo.