Nota bene: be sure to complete the first task before starting the project.
A showcased version of the project (starting at milestone 3 und further) should be deployed and hosted via web-server (local or remote one). You can use one of free hosting services across The Web (Firebase Hosting, etc), or run instance on some publically-accessible remote machine.
The interface of the application has to be marked down via HTML (HTML version 5). The markup itself has to be semantically correct (e.g. <a>
tag can be used for links, but not for buttons). Different page sections should utilize existing HTML5 tags to keep page division clear for developers (<nav>, <header>, <article>, ...
Interface of the web-site must properly be displayed at least on following screens: 1440x900 (desktop) and your mobile device of choice. (You can use Chrome's emulator to test your site).
Styling solution for this project is plain CSS (or pre-processor of your choice: SCSS, Less). No third-party styling libraries (such as Bootstrap) are allowed by default. Any library dependency have to be discussed personally prior to inclusion in project.
User experience (UX) have to be considered prior to layout implementation. Interface should be clear for user. Main actions within each page should be somehow visible for the user at the first sight (using layout, color accents, hints, etc.).
- Figma — online tool for UI design
- Moqups — another online tool
- Adobe Photoshop / Illustrator
- HTML overview
- HTML5 semantic elements
- HTML Academy
- Material Design reference
- Material Design colour system
- MDN's CSS reference and guides
Front end part of this project has to be implemented in JavaScript programming language (all latest language features are allowed and welcomed, no backward compatibility is mandatory). No external libraries are allowed by default (except for vital ones: Firebase / Amazon connectivity libraries, etc.) TypeScript may be used as a wrapper over JS.
The main idea behind this course is for you to get a bit familiar with JavaScript as a programming language of web platform. While there are lots of different less or more popular frameworks that will make your life as a front-end developer easier, the basics of the language and ability to solve fundamental problems using zero-dependency approach is very valuable and can give you a better understanding of what this language and related APIs are capable of. There are lots of pros and cons of each framework in comparison to others, which may affect your decision to use one or another in particular project, but understanding core concepts is mandatory to use any of them.
Thus, it is not recommended to use frameworks within this course, because any knowledge-check will be primarily focused on JavaScript itself. Albeit it is not strictly forbidden, you are encouraged to try task implementation in pure JS environment. However, if you still have plans to learn particular JavaScript framework during this semester or previously had hands-on experience you want to extend or utilize during it, this information should be provided along with project topic selection. Personal knowledge check will be adjusted accordingly. At the end of the semester a framework-based project will not be accepted if major lack of framework understanding will be discovered. You have been warned!
- JavaScript: The Definitive Guide — a good place to start
- JavaScript: The Good Parts
- JavaScript: The Right Way
- Codecademy's introduction to JS — alternative place to start
- MDN's JavaScript section
- Clean code concepts: JS version
- Building SPA in plain JS
- VS Code — a very good and fast IDE by Microsoft (surprisingly)
- JetBrains WebStorm — well, not very fast, but a very powerful IDE
It is much better, if you could come up with your own idea for project to implement during this course, while it will stimulate your curiosity in some way. So feel free to explore provided topics below and try to think of some web-application of similar complexity. Don't be lazy!
Personal finance tracker. You can record all your spendings and income to understand where does your money actually go.
Basic functions
- Authentication
- Transaction list (Add / Edit / Remove transaction functions)
- Two types of transactions: income / expense
- Each transaction should contain following data: amount, date, place (can be empty), comment (can be empty), image (can be empty).
- Categories for transactions (Add / Edit / Remove category functions)
- Statistics for user per period (month, year, week)
- Total spendings (and per category)
- Total income (and per category)
A website, that can be a library for different teas. Each user can add a new variety of tea. Other users can upvote or downvote each entity and also leave comments.
Basic functions
- Authentication
- Main page with top-5 library entities and 10 recently added varieties
- Add new tea
- User can type in tee name, description, price, place, where xe got it (can be empty) and a photo of tea (can be empty). This data can be edited or deleted later.
- Other users can comment created entity. They also can rate it (give a tea 1-5 stars) and report a price they bought it for (on the same form, as rating).
- On a page dedicated to the particular tea variety, user can see tea data, average price and comments.
- A search page, where user can browse database by tea name and price constraints (min, max)
Yet another chat application.
Basic functions
- Authentication
- User profile: nickname, avatar change
- 'User is typing' indicator
- Message statuses: not delivered, delivered, read
- User can send stickers (stickers are ought to be hard-coded)
- Channels (more than two users can be in one channel)
- Public - visible to everyone
- Protected - visible to everyone but protected by password (set upon creation)
- Dark theme (automatic by browser media query and manual - in settings)
- Local or remote notification by browser's notification API
Examples: Slack, Telegram
An application to manage group bills paid by one person.
Basic functions
- Authentication
- English and Russian language support (switch in header)
- Dashboard
- Current balance (I owe, others owe me)
- Recent payments
- Add expense (total amount, photo (can be empty), participants (list with suggested names of people user already added to other transactions), split method (equal, particular amount)
- Edit / Delete expense
- Mark expense as 'repaid'
Example:: Spliwise
A website where user can create a crossword, obtain a unique ID for it, send it to friend and see, if xe can solve it!
Basic functions
- Authentication
- Constructor
- Define grid dimension (horizontal and vertical cell number)
- Add a word to grid and define a question for it, that participant will see
- When crossword is constructed, creator gets a unique ID that other user can type on 'Solver' page to solve created crossword
- Solver - provide crossword ID to solve it
- Solving progress is tracked for each user, which means more than one user can solve the same crossword independently
- Validation is performed only when all words were filled
Example:: Crossword maker
Time- and activity-management application. User can set appointments, tasks and reminders.
Basic functions
- Authentication
- Calendar view (year, month, week view). Days with appointments should be marked by colour of appointment (or multiple colours in case of more than one appointment)
- Upcoming appointment for current day / pending tasks are on top of the page
- Appointment creation
- title
- description
- start / end date and time
- place (may be empty)
- zero, one or more reminders (user can type in when to remind)
- colour (to distinguish tasks)
- Task creation (tasks have a 'completed' status. After user marked task as 'completed', it will disappear from 'pending' section)
- Ability to edit / delete appointment or task
Examples: TickTick and well, any calendar.
Music catalogue / player application.
Basic functions
- Authentication
- Upload music track
- set / update its title, performer name, cover image
- assign one or more genres
- attach lyrics to track
- User can perform a search across all uploaded music by all users
- Create / edit / delete / duplicate playlists
Examples: Yandex.Music, Spotify
A website, where user can share own unique cocktail recipe or rate cocktails created by others
Basic functions
- Authentication
- Main feature: visualization (examples)
- each cocktail should have a dynamically generated visual representation based on ingredients selected by user upon creation
- glass form may be identical for all recipes
- ingredients are hard-coded by developer (minimum 10 visually different ingredients are required)
- each ingredient should have specific color or texture to display
- order and proportion of ingredients affect visual representation
- Main feed with top-rated cocktails, their average rating and their images
- Cocktail constructor
- name
- description
- recipe: an ordered list of ingredients with their volumes for this cocktail
- An ability to rate cocktails (1-5 stars rating system) and leave a comment
Examples: RateCoffee
Simple 2D flat plan maker.
Basic functions
- Authentication
- Ability to change flat dimensions
- Ability to place walls
- Drag and drop placement of furniture
- at least 10 different items (fridge, wardrobes, couch, bed, washing machine, etc)
- item can't have intersections with walls
- Save / edit project functionality
- Share project: application generates a link that user can share with someone to let them see the plan
Examples: Floor plan creator
A game in which players have to explain words to others.
Basic functions
- Word set management (CRUD)
- Word set selection (with example words from the set)
- Team management (define number of teams and set their names)
- Game settings (number of words, time for each player)
- Game process
- swipe gesture word control
- sounds
- A page with stats after each player finishs explanation
- word status can be changed (guessed / skipped)
- Past games statistics
Examples: Alias
Realtime quiz application. After quiz is created and started, a unique code is generated for participant to join.
Basic functions
- Quiz creation
- define a quiz name
- define set of questions
- question can have answer options for player or can be a freeform question (user must type in the answer)
- set a time for each question
- Quiz execution
- waiting phase with list of joined (via code) participants. Creator starts the quiz by pressing a button during this phase.
- running phase - each participant sees a question and have time to give an answer
- results phase - each participant can see quiz results
Examples: Kahoot!
Filesystem emulation using Firebase Cloud storage and Firestore or Realtime DB for directory emulation.
Basic functions
- Authentication (each user has personal space)
- Windows Explorer OR MacOS Finder-alike interface
- Directory management (CRUD)
- nested directories support
- File management (CRUD)
- file preview (side panel or modal)
- text files
- images
- file preview (side panel or modal)
- Drag and Drop support for files and folders
Online tool to learn something new.
Basic functions
- Authentication
- Home page with current stats and reminders
- Card sets (CRUD)
- Cards (CRUD)
- Spaced repetition algorithm
An application to manage tasks and boards.
Basic functions
- Authentication
- Boards (CRUD)
- board title
- colour
- Tasks (CRUD)
- title
- description
- colour
- expire date (can be empty)
- Drag and Drop task and boards management
An application to store and discuss song lyrics.
Basic functions
- Authentication
- Music tracks (CRUD)
- title
- album
- author
- Lyrics (CRUD)
- each song can have one or more lyrics
- author
- language (original or translation)
- user can select (with mouse or touch) a part of the text and add an annotation (or explanation) to it
- text parts with annotations should be highlighted in text, annotations are displayed near the text
- other users can rate lyrics and comments (upvote / downvote)
Examples: Genius
To pass the milestone, you must provide images (hand-drawn, digitally created) for most of the pages your web-site will have (for both display sizes). Each block and element should be marked by corresponding HTML-tag. Utilized HTML tags should be semantically-correct in terms of block function on the page.
- [4-6] knowldge of generic tags (
, etc...). - [7-8] semantically-correct markup (
, etc...). - [9-10] rich semantic (
, etc...), accessable (all interactive components should be accessible via TAB) markup with proper header hierarchy (h1
, etc).
Example: UX wireframe example (without HTML) (your final result has to also contain HTML markup).
Milestone's acceptance criteria: a semi-finalized set of pages with production-ready design (can be updated on later stages of development) for both screen sizes. Modern CSS best-practices should be used (no float
block positioning, !important
overrides or <table>
layouts are allowed).
Disclaimer: as we do not study UI design in this course, there are no strict requirements to your project interface appearance. However, a more or less meaningful UI is required to pass this milestone, beacuse it will enforce you to use a good amount of CSS. Consider yourself advised to look through at least Material Design reference to have a basic idea of how a good UI might look like. You can make a quick search over the internet to find a good reference your project may follow. Get ready for additional tasks during your project showcase on this milestone.
- [4-6] basic CSS usage. Customized
and other components,:hover
states for interactive elements,display: flex
block positioning. - [7-8]
display: flex
ordisplay: grid
block positioning,:focus
state for interactive elements (different from:hover
), BEM-like CSS class naming. - [9-10] dark theme support (via media query and CSS variables), animations and rich visual style.
At this point you must provide a working skeleton of the website: basic navigation, routing, authentication (if required), state-management, networking, etc. A check-point to see if everything is going well before the final stage of development.
- [4-6] basic JS. Functions, variables (no
is allowed), cycles, arrays. - [7-8] classes, AJAX requests (via Fetch API), promises.
- [9-10] SPA implementation (via browser's History API), web components,
, local storage.
A web-site that implements all requirements within selected topic.
- [9-10] CI (auto deployment) set-up.