DEPRECATED - Debian 9 is End Of Life (EOL) as of June 30th 2022. For alternatives please see the below.
A docker container using Debian 9 with Ansible installed for playbook and role testing.
- 'latest' : Python 2.7.x and the latest stable version of Ansible.
To build this docker container you can do the following.
- Install Docker Engine, see here for details.
- Clone this repository.
$ git clone
- Change to the repositories directory.
$ cd docker-debian9-ansible
- Run the command
$ docker build -t debian9-ansible .
- Install Docker Engine, see here for details.
- To create a containter from the image you created in the
How To Build
section run the command.$ docker run --detach --privileged --volume=/sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro debian9-ansible:latest
- To confirm Ansible is working within the container run the command.
$ docker exec --tty <CONTAINER ID> env TERM=xterm ansible --version
This image is used for testing purposes only and is not intended to be used to provide live services of any sort.
Created in 2020 by Graham Lillico.