Clustering-AdaGram is a Julia-implemented clustering algorithm for AdaGram models. It's a modified K-means clustering routine for AdaGram models, inspired by Clark's[1] clustering algorithm. The modified K-means algorithm iteratively classifies only a fraction of the total word senses (the fraction that is cosine-distance closer to their closest cluster), using their embedding vectors. Clusters are merged when their center's cosine-distance is higher than a specified threshold.
Clustering-AdaGram has been tested in Julia v0.4.5; it should be installed in the following way:
The most straightforward way to cluster a model is to use
script. If you run it with no parameters passed or with --help
option, it will print usage information:
usage: classify.jl [--k K] [--min-prob MIN-PROB]
[--termination-fraction TERMINATION-FRACTION]
[--merging-threshold MERGING-THRESHOLD]
[--fraction-increase FRACTION-INCREASE]
[--embeddings-filename EMBEDDINGS-FILENAME] input
Here is the description of all parameters:
- K: number of clusters to use in modified k-means
- MIN_PROB: minimum probability that a sense needs to have to be considered for clustering
- TERMINATION_FRACTION: percentage of all the word senses that will be clustered
- MERGING_THRESHOLD: how close the centers of two clusters need to be to be merged into one cluster. If their cosine-distance is higher than this, they merge.
- FRACTION_INCREASE: percentage increase of fraction of words to be clustered in each iteration.
- embeddings_flag: allows to write to file the embedding vectors for the model's senses, for visualization purposes.
- EMBEDDINGS_FILENAME: name of the file to write the model's embedding vectors
- input: AdaGram model to use
- output: name of clustered output file
[1] Clark, 2000:
Instructions for using TensorBoard to visualize word embeddings and, optionally, their clustering
\begin{itemize} \item You need to have a trained AdaGram model (either regular AdaGram or AdaGramWP, does not matter as both processes produce a model with the same format).
\item Install TensorFlow. Follow steps for Ubuntu install in the following link. I used virtualenv installation in directory $\sim$/tensorflow:\\\_linux
\item Perform clustering to get word embedding vectors: run Clustering\_AdaGram on AdaGram model with preferred parameters and keyword argument embeddings\_flag=true (and optionally with keyword argument embeddings\_filename)
\item From folder where embeddings are stored, run: -i EMBEDDINGS\_FILE [-m CLUSTERS\_FILE]
\item Open web browser and go to localhost:6006, then choose the Embeddings or Projector tab.