Python Scripting to read Jevois XY and transmit over Mavling Precision_Landing Messages
This is a set of scripts to control an ArduPilot based quadcopter to track Aruco Codes using JeVois smart camera Reads Jevois serial x-y signal from serial.Serial(port='/dev/ttyAMA0',baudrate=9600, timeout = 0.2) and outputs as Found, X , Y and Tag Code (The balloon reference to the opentracker code, where it has been copied) Take the x-y coordinates, calibrate and adjust gain and transmit to vehicle = connect('/dev/ttyUSB0', baud = 57600), using a USB-Serial FDTI converter.
On the Flight controler, you need to read mavlink message @ 57600 bauds and have precision_landing enabled
On the Jevois , you need to configure Add the associated video mapping
You need to power the camera with 5V Min 3Amps on a Mini-Usb Connector Read the signal using the JST connector (Ground - Tx Data)