Remove non-printable words, trim words length, search duplicates, sorting, words counting.
Sequence of the option keys is not critical.
05.09.2015 - Firts commit.
06.09.2015 - Added automatic processing of all files in a directory by extension.
07.09.2015 - Added lines calculator. Fixed some errors.
12.09.2015 - All algorithms has been rewritten to consume less memory. Usage menu and option keys has been changed too.
13.09.2015 - Algorithm for finding duplicates has been optimized.
13.10.2015 - Changed algorithm and view for progress bar. Fixed calculation for strings in files.
go get
go build && go-wordlist-cleaner
go-wordlist-cleaner -min 8 -max 10 -src Source.dic -new New.dic remove trim
go-wordlist-cleaner -src Source.dic -new New.dic trim
go-wordlist-cleaner -a -ext txt duplicate
go-wordlist-cleaner -a sort
go-wordlist-cleaner -a calculate