Releases: giuvecchio/PyPBR
Refactor and cleanup of the library
First beta release of PyPBR, a Python library designed for easy and fast manipulation of Physically Based Rendering (PBR) materials with seamless PyTorch integration.
Added documentation and finalized core functionalities.
Add material blending functionalities.
Improve device management (cpu, cuda)
Implemented support for multiple PBR workflows
Improved Material classes
- Split Material class into multiple classes depending on the workflow
- MaterialBase now holds the common parameters and functionalities
- BasecolorMetallicMaterial support additional parameters for basecolor-metallic workflow
- DiffuseSpecularMaterial support additional parameters for diffuse-specular workflow
- Support for optional maps
Improved loading from file
Improved CookTorranceBRDF to handle the different workflows.
Create first alpha release of PyPBR, a Python library designed for easy and fast manipulation of Physically Based Rendering (PBR) materials with seamless PyTorch integration.
Key Features
Effortless Loading and Saving
- Simplify the process of loading PBR materials from folders using intuitive naming conventions.
- Easily save manipulated materials back to disk with minimal effort.
- PyTorch Integration
Leverage the power of PyTorch tensors for GPU-accelerated operations.
- Seamlessly integrate with your existing PyTorch workflows for enhanced performance.
- Comprehensive Material Manipulation
Perform a variety of operations such as resizing, tiling, and normal inversion.
- Manipulate BRDF models with ease, enabling advanced material customization.