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Update User

Giuliano Catrambone edited this page Dec 24, 2018 · 1 revision

The Update User has to be called in case the properties associated to the User has to be changed.

Here is the

to update an User.

  1. Home

    1. User registration
    2. Add content - Pull
    3. Add content, on success send an email
    4. Two Tasks (Add content) to be executed in parallel
    5. Add a set of video encoding profiles
    6. Add two contents, send an email, concat, cut and encode
    7. Add a single image profile (Logo)
    8. Add a video, an image, encode the image, overlay the encoded image on the video
  2. REST API version 1 (latest)

    1. User registration
    2. Login
    3. Create Workspace
    4. Share Workspace
    5. Update Workspace
    6. Update User
    Workflow Ingestion
    1. Workflow
    2. Status/metadata of an ingestion
    3. Group Of Tasks
    Workflow As Library
    1. Workflow as Library
    2. Create-Update a Workflow as Library
    3. Delete a Workflow as Library
    4. Use of a Workflow as Library
    Add-Remove Content
    1. Add a new Content
      1. Pull
      2. Push
    2. Remove a Content
    3. Information about the contents saved into MMS
    4. Retention of a Content
    1. Download HTTP of a Content
    2. FTP of a Content
    3. Local copy of a Content
    4. Live Proxy
    5. VOD Proxy
    6. Countdown
    7. Check Streaming
    Social Network Delivery
    1. POST a Content on Facebook
    2. POST a Content on YouTube
    3. YouTube Live Broadcast
    4. Facebook Live Broadcast
    Encoding (video-audio-image)
    1. Add encoding profiles
    2. Remove encoding profiles
    3. Encode
    4. Information about the encoding profiles saved into MMS
    5. Predefined MMS Encoding Profiles
    Media activities
    1. Concatenate videos having same codecs
    2. Cut
    3. Video speed
    4. Extract tracks
    5. Add silent audio
    1. Overlay an Image on a Video
    2. Overlay a Text on a Video
    3. Picture In Picture
    4. Intro Outro Overlay
    5. Live Grid
    Frame Processing
    1. Frame of a video
    2. Periodical Frames of a video
    3. I-Frames of a video
    4. Motion JPEG video generated by Periodical Frames of a video
    5. Motion JPEG video generated by I-Frames of a video
    6. Slideshow video by images
    1. Live Recorder
    2. Live Cut
    1. HTTP Callback
    2. Notification through email
    1. Change File Format
    2. Media Cross Reference
    Computer Vision
    1. Face Recognition
    2. Face Identification
    1. YouTube
    2. Facebook
    3. Live URL
    4. FTP
    5. E-Mail
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