I'm a Chief Software Engineer at <EPAM>.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on modding my printer to direct-drive extrusion.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning GraphQL, using Apollo GraphQL tutorials.
- 🌱 I’m currently also learning AWS ☁
A simple queue model in Python. I use it for various experiments and workload planning.
Changes retraction speed & distance from a specific layer gradually, because Cura is unable to do so.
An ESP8266 (Node MCU) -based OpenSource weather station.
Simulating multi-DC Cassandra cluster with configurable WAN connection
A software that's using Monte Carlo simulation for showing availability of combination of microservices
Queuing Theory for Software Engineers
An Overview of Health Check Patterns
Incorporating Fault-Tolerance Into Your Microservice Architecture
Designing Fault-Tolerant Microservices With Toxiproxy and Cucumber
Google Authentication for Your AWS Management Console With OAuth 2.0
Multi-Tenant Cassandra Clusters With Spring Data Cassandra