An extensible library to manage HL7 CDA2 documents.
ClinicalDocument cda = buildClinicalDocument();
ICDASerializer ser = new CDASerializer_IT();
String xml = ser.toXML(cda);
ICDADeserializer dser = new CDADeserializer();
ClinicalDocument cda = dser.getClinicalDocument();
ICDARenderer ren = new CDARenderer_IT();
Map<String, Object> opt = new HashMap<String, Object>();
opt.put("style", "body{ color: #202020; margin: 4 8 4 8; }");
opt.put("table", "width: 100%;");
opt.put("th", "background-color: #a8d7f7;");
opt.put("td", "background-color: #cfeafc;");
opt.put("title", "color: #000080;");
opt.put("paragraph", "font-style: italic;");
String html = ren.toHTML(cda);
ICDARenderer ren = new CDARenderer_IT();
String html = ren.transform(xml, "CDAit.xsl");
ICDAValidator val = new CDAValidator();
ValidationResult result = val.validate(xml);
ICDASigner sig = new CDASignerXAdES();
byte[] signed = sig.sign(xml);
System.out.println(new String(signed));
ICDASigner sig = new CDASignerCAdES();
byte[] pkcs7 = sig.sign(xml);
git clone
mvn clean install
mvn dependency:copy-dependencies
- To get libraries in target/dependency folder.mvn cobertura:cobertura
- To run the unit tests and generate a Cobertura report.mvn checkstyle:checkstyle
- To check source code respect the rules defined in checkstyle.xml.