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Use an Android device to host it 24 ⁄ 7

Giorgio edited this page Sep 29, 2023 · 1 revision

This is a guide to host the bot on an Android device.

If you have an old Android phone lying around, you can use it as a free 24/7 server (without paying for a VPS).

Unless your phone is from 2010, you should have no trouble with performance as the bot is quite optimised. The only problem might be the amount of RAM, but as long as the bot is in less than 100 servers, it won't use more than 100MB (most phones have at least 2GB).

This guide was written by the incredible Zoldrine97! Huge thanks for figuring all this out and writing the guide, much love! ❤️❤️

  1. Create a Discord bot:
  2. Invite the bot to your Discord server:

Go to the OAuth2 tab, then click on URL Generator. You'll see a page like this one:


  1. In the Scopes panel, select applications.commands and bot.
    Then in the Bot permissions panel, select the following:
  • Read Messages/View Channels
  • Send Messages
  • Embed Links
  • Use External Emojis
  1. Download the bot files on GitHub: Go to the bot's homepage and click on Download in the Installation section:


  1. Install the RAR app:


  1. Open the Bot files with the RAR application
  2. Extract the files by clicking on the file and selecting Extract files...:


Then select Browse:


Put it in your main folder and press OK:


And press OK again:


  1. [Optional] Rename the SknPeek-Master folder to ValorantShop or similar, so that it will be easier to write later on:


  1. Open the ValorantShop folder and rename the config.json.example file to config.json
  2. Install the Acode app:


  1. Open the Acode app and click on the 3 dots on the top-right hand corner:


  1. Press Files, and go to your internal storage where the ValorantShop folder is:


Open ValorantShop then config.json:


You will the see something like this:


We now need to put your bot token in this file.

  1. Go back to the Discord Developer portal and open the Bot tab:


Press Reset Token and copy the token.

Never share your token! Anyone with the token can do bad things using your bot. Treat it like your password, and be careful what you do with it.


  1. Go back to Acode and paste the bot token where it says token goes here:

image image

Click on the 3 dots on the top right, and click Save.


15 Now install Temux. Make sure to install it from GitHub and not Google Play Store, because that one is outdated.

Here is the link:


  1. Open Temux and write these commands to update Linux as well as other stuff:
  • uname -a (to check if Linux is installed)


  • apt update


  • apt upgrade
    When asked, press Y and Enter to continue:

image image

  1. Now we'll install nodejs in our Linux.
    Use the command pkg install nodejs. When it asks, type Y and press Enter.


Now, type the command termux-setup-storage.
A popup will appear to allow termux to access your files:


  1. Now use the commands:
  • cd ../../../../../sdcard/ValorantShop
  • npm i (to install dependencies)


  1. Now to turn on the bot. Whenever you want to start it, type the following commands:
  • cd ../../../../../sdcard/ValorantShop (this command opens the ValorantShop folder)
  • node SkinPeek.js (this command starts the bot)


And if all works, you should see the bot online in Discord!


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