mpjeg_streamer for rpi camera computer vision and octprint using the python3-picamera2 library
This is a small modification to the example mjpeg_streamer from the raspberry pi camera2 code:
The modification is to also allow a single snapshot url which is useful for tasks such as creating timelapse videos.
I have also added a .service file which allows this to launch at startup.
This is aimed at being a simple helper script for the octoprint community.
To use:
- Install the raspberry pi camera2 python libraries: sudo apt install python3-picamera2
- Clone this repository.
- Run via: python3
- Access the mjpg stream in your browser via: http://YOURIPADDRESS:8080/stream.mjpg or access a single snapshot via http://YOURIPADDRESS:8080/single
To run at startup:
- Edit the file webcamd.service and change the ExecStart=... line so that it points at the location you created the python file.
- copy webcamd.service to /etc/systemd/system/
- reload systemd: sudo systemctl daemon-reload
- enable the service: sudo systemctl enable webcamd.service
- start the service: sudo systemctl start webcamd.service.