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iCloud Key-Value Store for Unity

Key-Value Store implementation backed by iCloud KVS.


  • ICloudKeyValueStore: Key-Value Store implementation that stores data using iCloud KVS.
  • Supports macOS, iOS, tvOS and visionOS


  • Key-Value Store: interface used by this implementation, which also provides custom object serialization out of the box.

How to install


  • Install using the Unity Package Manager with the following URL:
  • Clone this repository or download a snapshot of it directly inside your project's Assets or Packages folder.

Basic usage

using Gilzoide.KeyValueStore.ICloudKvs;
using UnityEngine;

// 1. Instantiate a ICloudKeyValueStore
var kvs = new ICloudKeyValueStore();

// 2. Set/Get/Delete values
kvs.SetBool("finishedTutorial", true);
kvs.SetString("username", "gilzoide");

Debug.Log("Checking if values exist: " + kvs.HasKey("username"));
Debug.Log("Getting values: " + kvs.GetInt("username"));
Debug.Log("Getting values with fallback: " + kvs.GetString("username", "default username"));
// Like C# Dictionary, this idiom returns a bool if the key is found
if (kvs.TryGetString("someKey", out string foundValue))
    Debug.Log("'someKey' exists: " + foundValue);
