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This project was created for the Snappfood code challenge, where I implemented a restaurant list for Snappfood. Users can explore restaurants and their details through this web application.

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Snappfood Restaurants List

This project was created for the Snappfood code challenge, where I implemented a restaurant list for Snappfood. Users can explore restaurants and their details through this web application.

Live Demo

You can check out the Live Demo, powered by Hamravesh, by visiting this link.

Main Technologies Used

  • React: The foundation of the project, allowing for dynamic and interactive user interfaces.
  • TypeScript: Enhancing code quality and providing static type checking.
  • Redux and Redux Toolkit: Managing global state and actions efficiently.
  • SASS: Styling the components using the BEM methodology.
  • Vite: A fast build tool for bundling and serving the application.

Key Features

  1. Virtual List: I've implemented TanStack Virtual to ensure efficient rendering of long lists. This results in a smooth user experience, especially when dealing with a large number of restaurants.

  2. Infinite Fetching: For fetching restaurant data, I've used RTK Query. The infinite fetching feature is powered by Intersection Observer, which loads more data as the user scrolls down.

  3. Global Store: Redux manages the application's state, making it easy to share data across components.

  4. Lazy Loading for Images: To optimize performance, I've implemented lazy loading for images. Images load only when they become visible on the screen, enhancing the overall user experience. Additionally, I've added a skeleton animation for restaurant cards during loading.

  5. BEM Methodology for SASS: Following the Block Element Modifier (BEM) methodology ensures consistent and maintainable styling. It prevents class name conflicts and keeps the codebase organized.

  6. Error Handling and 404 Page: Proper error handling is crucial. I've set up middleware in Redux Toolkit to handle errors gracefully. Additionally, I've created a custom 404 page for incorrect routes.

  7. Deployment with Docker: The project is deployed on Hamravesh using a Dockerfile and docker-compose. This ensures consistency across environments.

  8. Geolocation API: I've integrated the geolocation API to retrieve the user's latitude and longitude. This feature could be useful for location-based services.

  9. Code Quality Tools: ESLint helps identify and fix code issues, while Prettier ensures consistent formatting and sorted imports.

Getting Started

To run this project locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone

  2. Install dependencies:
    yarn install

  3. Start the development server:
    yarn dev

  4. Open your browser and visit: http://localhost:3000

Project folder structure:

├── public                  # Public Assets
├── src                     # Source files
│   ├── assets                # Styles and other assets that needs to be transpiled at the build time
│   ├── types                 # Global types
│   ├── pages(app)            # Next.js File routings/App Directory
│   └── components            # All Major and Minor Components will place here
├── config files            # .env files, docker files, bundler configs, .eslintrc, package.json, tsconfig.json, etc.

Component folder structure:

│   ├── ...
│   └── components
|           ├── ExampleComponent                   # ExampleComponent Folder
|           |       ├── components                 # Sub Components of Example Component
|           |       ├── componentName.module.scss  # Modular Styles
|           |       └── index.tsx                  # Main File (only contains imports, hook calls and jsx codes)
│           ├── ...


Home Page Home Page Restaurants Page Restaurants Page Restaurants Skeleton Restaurants Skeleton
Not found Page Not found Page Fallback page Fallback page


This project was created for the Snappfood code challenge, where I implemented a restaurant list for Snappfood. Users can explore restaurants and their details through this web application.




