Please note: This project is in development. The current readme is a draft.
Application Insights is a managed logging solution in Azure. This watchdog service polls an instance of Traefik - reporting its health metrics and checking it's routing correctly.
The simplest way to use it is to deploy it along side Traefik on Service Fabric, using the deployment guide here.
If you would like to test or deploy separately here is a guide to launching the watchdog.
WARNING: No error is shown if the Application Insights key provided is incorrect. If you don't see events surfaced check the key is correct.
11:13 $ ./traefik-appinsights-watchdog start -h
Starts the watchdog, checking both the /health endpoint and request routing
Usage: start [--flag=flag_argument] [-f[flag_argument]] ... set flag_argument to flag(s)
or: start [--flag[=true|false| ]] [-f[true|false| ]] ... set true/false to boolean flag(s)
--appinsightskey The application insights instrumentation key
--debug Set to true for additional output in the console (default "false")
--instanceid The name to report for the instance (default "nodename")
--pollintervalsec The time waited between requests to the health endpoint (default "120")
--traefikbackendname This is the Traefik backend name of the watchdog test server. In SF this will be the fabricURI (default "fabric:/TraefikType/Watchdog")
--traefikhealthendpoint The traeifk health endpoint (default "http://localhost:8080/health")
--watchdogtestserverport Port which the simulated backend runs on (default "40001")
--watchdogtraefikurl The url traefik will use to route requests to the watchdog (default "http://localhost:80/TraefikType/Watchdog")
-h, --help Print Help (this message) and exit d
Events will then be added to your Application Insights instance as CustomEvents
. You can query these using the Analytics portal. Metrics from traefik will appear under customdimensions
on the events.
Here is an example query to graph failures
vs success
over the last 30mins
in the Anaytics portal
| where timestamp > ago(30m)
| summarize count() by tostring(customDimensions.isSuccess), bin(timestamp, 10s)
| render timechart
Here is a query to show full tabular data for the last 30mins
| where timestamp > ago(30m)
| order by timestamp desc
To see what will be logged and for debugging output set --debug=true
and the watchdog will output the events as json
into the console. For example you would see:
Run command: ./traefik-appinsights-watchdog --appinsightskey=YourKeyHere
"Debug": false,
"InstanceID": "Lawrences-Machine",
"AppInsightsKey": "YourKeyHere",
"TraefikBackendName": "fabric:/TraefikType/Watchdog",
"WatchdogTestServerPort": 40001,
"WatchdogTraefikURL": "http://localhost:80/TraefikType/Watchdog",
"TraefikHealthEndpoint": "http://localhost:8080/health",
"PollIntervalSec": 120
"Source": "HealthCheck",
"SourceTime": "2017-12-04T11:25:39.429175Z",
"RequestDuration": 5539198,
"IsSuccess": true,
"ErrorDetails": "",
"Data": {
"average_response_time": "0s",
"average_response_time_sec": 0,
"count": 0,
"pid": 10311,
"recent_errors": [],
"status_code_count": {},
"time": "2017-12-04 11:25:39.433441 +0000 GMT m=+22.454186706",
"total_count": 0,
"total_response_time": "0s",
"total_response_time_sec": 0,
"total_status_code_count": {},
"unixtime": 1512386739,
"uptime": "22.291921753s",
"uptime_sec": 22.291921753
"Source": "RoutingCheck",
"SourceTime": "2017-12-04T11:25:39.430495Z",
"RequestDuration": 1306232,
"IsSuccess": false,
"ErrorDetails": "Get http://localhost:80/TraefikType/Watchdog: dial tcp [::1]:80: getsockopt: connection refused",
"Data": {}
Note: The events logged to stdout may differ to the actual events you see in Application Insights due to some post processing.
It was primarily designed to run inside Service Fabric to support the use of Traefik on Service Fabric. Having the watchdog reporting stats from an independent service allows it to log when Traefik is not responding or has crashed. This is preferable to a gap in reporting, which would signal a failure if the stats were reported by the Traefik service in process.
However, it can be run independently inside other orchestrator's such a Kubernetes. Please Note Use outside of Service Fabric will require some additional testing and adjustment of the default values to ensure expected behavior.
Currently under development.
This project is a simple watchdog service provided 'as is' and we currently have no plans to expands it's feature set.
We would welcome contributions. If you identify issues please log them and, if possible, develop a fix in as a PR.
this has a dependency on docker.
The build with run a set of checks, execute tests and then output. Once completed you can use docker run --rm traefik-appinsights-watchdog:latest --appinsightskey=XXXXXXXXX --debug
to test your build.