Useful modules for the ggez Rust game framework.
Each module is meant to be pretty much self-contained without relying on the others. Or if it does rely on others, it will be in a strictly incremental fashion.
CURRENTLY this is massively unstable and is basically changing fluidly as I discover what the API needs to be like.
- Input indirection layer and state tracking
- Scene manager
- Camera
- Particle system (incomplete)
- Sprites with ordering, animation, atlasing, tile mapping, 3x3 sprites... (look at (also look at XNA's sprite system, FNA's implementation of such, Godot, Cocos2D)
- GUI (conrod? imgui? ozkriff's ggez-zgui?)
- In-game debugger...?
- specs for entity-component system (alternatives: ecs or recs or rustic-ecs crates)
- cgmath, nalgebra or vecmath for math operations
- physics/collision??? ncollide.
- There's a couple crates for loading Tiled maps, check 'em out