This module is a helper module to facilitate integrating Google Mobile Ads reporting into the Storyteller SDK's Stories and Clips players.
To make use of it, you need to set it up as a module for the Storyteller
class, like so:
let config = StorytellerGAMModuleConfiguration(adUnit: { requestInfo in
return <adUnit based on requestInfo>
let adModule = StorytellerGAMModule(configuration: config)
Storyteller.modules = [adModule]
The main customisation point is the StorytellerGAMModuleConfiguration
initializer. It has the following signature:
adUnit: @escaping (StorytellerAdRequestInfo) -> String,
customNativeTemplateIds: StorytellerGAMModuleConfiguration.CustomNativeTemplateIds? = nil,
customKvps: (() -> [String: String])? = nil
- the closure where you receive the request info and based on that you return the ad unit for the ads.customNativeTemplateIds
- for old GAM formats, you will want to pass in custom native template ID's for stories and clips.customKvps
- a dictionary of strings you may want to pass on each request to GAM.