DOT is a multi use tool for developers, hackers, testers and everyone who want to be secure and playing simple terminal games.
Following instructions will get you to install DOT on your mac. See usage for notes on how to call it.
Following are the requirements for getting the most out of DOT:
OS X Although people have made DOT work on other Systems, Mac OS X is the officially supported distribution, all new features are primarily tested on this platform.
Homebrew to download tor. (only needed when you don't have tor installed).
Install Homebrew:
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
To install the latest development version type the following commands:
git clone # Download the latest revision
cd dot # Switch to tool's directory
sudo python install # Install any dependencies (Currently pexpect, future, youtube_dl, pubnub, tor)
Alternatively, you can download the latest stable version from the Releases page.
If you want to make a default ssh connection, add in the Dot/dot folder a new file called
and set the values:
Run the tool by typing dot
or python bin/dot
(from inside the tool's directory).
By running DOT without any options, it will start the DOT mainframe.
Use dot -t <TASK>
to start a task immediately
These are all functions who can be use immediately or using the dot mainframe.
DOT > connect
or dot -t connect
Use the connect function to connect over ssh to a server like Kali Linux. By running connect without any options you'll connect to a default server that you setup in the
on the dot folder file.
OPTIONAL: -u <username> -p <password> -h <hostname>
DOT > secure
or dot -t secure
Use the secure function to push all your network through a secure tor relay. If you use the secure function you'll browse anonymously and secure. Check if you're on the tor network by surfing to:
DOT > flush
or dot -t flush
Use the flush function to stop the anonymously browsing and reset to previous settings. Check if you're not on the tor network by surfing to:
DOT > yt -l <link>
or dot -t yt -l <link>
Use the yt function to download your favorite music from youtube. The song will be downloaded and moved to your downloads folder in a couple of seconds.
Dot has a couple of build-in mini-games. They are listed below and makes waiting for code to compile less boring.
DOT > hangman
or dot -t hangman
Use the hangman function to play the original and old-fashion game. Guess the word before you hang.
The mainframe functions are little function that only need to be used when you're on DOT's mainframe.
DOT > ..
Use the .. function to go back to the mainframe.
DOT > exit
Use the exit function to close the DOT application.
DOT > clear
Use the clear function to clear the screen.
DOT > help
Use the help function to see all the available options.
- Python 2.7 - The program language used
- Tor - Dependency Management
- PubNub - Used to generate RSS Feeds
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Gert-Jan Wille - Initial work - gert-janwille
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the GPL License - see the LICENSE.txt file for details
- Love for PubNub
- Inspirated by WifiPhisher