GUI version 3.63 for Python 2.7 written by linkz using modified versions @ or related fork @
- This code has been written and released under the "do what the f$ck you want with it" license
- this code may contain some silly procedures and dumb algorithms as I'm not a python guru, but it works so...
- enable IQ mode with direct recording to file ?
- v1.00 : first working version, basic, only freq/mode/bw, connect/disconnect
- v1.1beta : adding the smeter
- v1.10 : design modification + console output
- v1.20 : adding the spectrum extension
- v1.30 : adding the recorder extension
- v1.31 : dealing with processes & sub-processes + code clean-up
- v1.32 : changed LP & HP from QSlider to QScrollBar style for 100Hz steps clicks + some comments added + code clean-up
- v1.33 : AM modulation has fixed BW (10kHz) - CW has frequency offset -1kHz BW set to 200Hz centered on desired freq
- v1.40beta : The KiwiSDR manual server listing update has been added - note: requires pygeoip module, still some bugs
- v1.40 : most "update proc" bugs has been removed (major concerns wrong user entries in their kiwisdr setup/reg)
- v1.41 : adding the possibility to manually enter IP:PORT/HOSTNAME:PORT to connect to a specific KiwiSDR server
- v1.42 : adding some regexp checks to validate frequencies and IP:PORT/HOSTNAME:PORT in both top inputboxes
- v2.00 : BUG SOLVED: "QScrollbar & TextEdit refresh still not working with direct program lunch"
- v2.01 : cleaned + S-meter bars removed
- v2.10 : adding the AGC control (manual or auto)
- v2.20 : spectrum & recording modules has been removed, too many issues with client-side sound card settings
- v2.30 : it's now possible to switch from node to node directly by double-clicking on the listing lines (prev forgiven)
- v3.00 : GUI based on TK now, no more PyQT stuff needed
- v3.10 : adding labels, node listing and console scrollbars, cancel connect possibility + all CRLF converted to LF
- v3.11 : some modifications in the console output log format + an update process bug has been solved
- v3.20 : update process finally re-written and still using GeoIP - node listing now redrawing itself, no more restart needed
- v3.30 : host ports are checked before filling the node listing, normally all nodes listed are reachable now
- v3.40 : adding top bar menus for colors changing and saving directKiwi.cfg configuration (colors + geometry)
- v3.50 : adding default lowpass, highpass, modulation to directKiwi.cfg configuration file
- v3.60 : adding default agc/mgc, mgc gain, hang, agc threshold, agc slope, agc decay to directKiwi.cfg configuration file
- v3.61 : agc/mgc listbox now (previously checkbox) + hosts (out of USA) locations fixed + autosorting list at start
- v3.62 : fixed a TK issue than was caused by python 2.7.15 version (code was written under 2.7.14
- v3.63 : fixed an issue with the India located remote that has few informations in listing page (source for updates)
linux : ./ windows : double-click on macOS X : ./ ?
\\ INFO 1 - You need python 2.7.x to run this script, it will NOT work with python 3.x !
linux : "sudo apt-get install python2.7" note that python 2.x is probably already installed in your distro (type "python --version" to see which version is) in some cases you may also have to manually install python-tk with "sudo apt-get install python-tk"
windows : or
macOS X : or
\\ INFO 2 - This script requires the following python modules : 'pygame' 'numpy' 'pygeoip' ..... (and 'scipy' for MacOS X users)
linux : "python -m pip install pygame numpy pygeoip" in terminal NOTE: for debian/ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install python-pygame python-numpy python-pygeoip" at once should work but python-pygeoip may not install on stable debian distro, use the pip way instead for this module.. also, if 'pip' is not already installed on your distro : "sudo apt-get install python-pip"
windows : "python -m pip install pygame numpy pygeoip" in 'cmd'
macOS X : "python -m pip install pygame numpy pygeoip scipy" in terminal
linkz Apr 2018