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sppigot edited this page Oct 17, 2014 · 13 revisions
Date October, 2014 Contacts Simon Pigot
Status Ready for pull request from anzmest) Release 2.12
Resources Available Ticket # {A link to a ticket or issue related to this proposal}
Source code anzmest
Funding CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere (O&A), Australia


Current methods of selecting terms/concepts from thesauri to use as keywords in metadata records rely on typeahead or search. There are no methods/widgets in the metadata editor that allow a user to browse the hierarchy of terms/concepts in the thesaurus. This proposal adds:

  • services that retrieve a term/concept and its narrower/broader/related terms/concepts in JSKOS
  • angular directives and services (based on ng-skos) that allow the user to traverse the hierarchy of concepts/terms and select concepts/terms for use as keywords

When the user selects a thesaurus in the editor, a new section is added to the editor form. The section currently contains a box from which the user can use typeahead or select from a dropdown list. As a result of this proposal the user will also be able to navigate the hierarchy of concepts starting with from the top concepts (initially). Screenshot follows:

Navigation between concepts is done by clicking on the relationship icon next to the term/concept (down arrow for narrower, up arrow for broader, right arrow for related concept). Selecting a concept for use as a keyword is done by clicking on the concept. Screenshot follows:

A list of concepts previously navigated is maintained and accessible via the Previous button. The user can return to the top concept at any time by choosing the refresh icon.

Technical Details:

New services:

  • thesaurus.topconcept: selects the top concepts from a thesaurus. These need to be listed as top concepts in the concept scheme of the thesaurus. eg for gemet:
    <skos:ConceptScheme rdf:about="">
       <dc:title>GEMET - Concepts, version 2.4</dc:title>
       <dc:description>GEMET thesaurus for GeoNetwork opensource.</dc:description>
       <skos:hasTopConcept rdf:resource=""/>

A single concept is created by this service with the top concepts linked as children.

  • thesaurus.concept: search for a term/concept by URI, return term/concept plus linked terms/concepts (broader, narrower, related) in JSKOS format.

New angular directives:

Modified ng-skos angular directives in web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/components/ng-skos.

  • ngSkosBrowserDirective.js: handles skos hierarchy browsing - looks like <skos-browser ....> in html
  • ngSkosConceptDirective.js: displays a concept, linkages
  • ngSkosConceptLabelDirective.js: displays a label of the concept using current language (if available, otherwise eng)

Additional services to gnThesaurusServices.js and functions in gnThesaurusDirective.js in web-ui/src/main/resources/catalog/components/thesaurus.

Proposal Type:

  • Type: New functionality for angular editor
  • Module: angular editor

Voting History

  • Vote Proposed: TBA


  • Simon Pigot
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