Generic UI is a free lightweight data management tool that displays statistic figures in a tabular format. It was developed with ease of implementation and usage in mind. The data can be viewed in grid form. Using built-in functions, the data contained in the grid can easily be tracked and managed. Generic UI includes many user-friendly features like sorting, paging, data binding and theming. Additionally, the grid supports a variety of helpful elements such as buttons, check boxes, inputs, chips and dropdown menus.
Supported libraries and frameworks:
- jQuery - Grid for jQuery
- Angular - Grid for Angular,
- JavaScript - Grid for Vanilla JavaScript,
- React - soon,
- Vue.js - soon.
Grid is a rich library with many features like:
- Editing
- Virtual scroll, infinite scroll,
- Summaries,
- Sort, search, filter,
- Pagination,
- Column configuration,
- Themes,
- Templates.
To find more details about this Generic UI Grid library visit our website homepage. You will find there full documentation and easy to read guide on how to use Grid.
Code released under the MIT license.