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Improve and fix header encoding
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* Choose Q- or B-Encoding depending on percentage of printable characters
* Encode all characters not listed in RFC2047 Section 5 (3) in Q-Encoding
* Encode Spaces as _ in Q-Encoding
* Fix header decoding for trailing _ in Q-Encoded text

Co-Authored-By: Jan Uhlig <[email protected]>
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Maria-12648430 and juhlig committed Oct 16, 2021
1 parent fe4f164 commit a7e7d96
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Showing 2 changed files with 186 additions and 62 deletions.
242 changes: 184 additions & 58 deletions src/mimemail.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ tokenize_header(Value, Acc) ->
case Type of
<<"q">> ->
%% RFC 2047 #5. (3)
decode_quoted_printable(re:replace(Data, "_", " ", [{return, binary}, global]));
decode_quoted_printable(re:replace(Data, "_", "=20", [{return, binary}, global]));
<<"b">> ->
decode_base64(re:replace(Data, "_", " ", [{return, binary}, global]))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1012,67 +1012,151 @@ fix_encoding(Encoding) ->

%% @doc Encode a binary or list according to RFC 2047. Input is
%% assumed to be in UTF-8 encoding bytes; not codepoints.
rfc2047_utf8_encode(undefined) -> undefined;
rfc2047_utf8_encode(B) when is_binary(B) ->
rfc2047_utf8_encode([]) ->
rfc2047_utf8_encode(Text) ->
%% Don't escape when all characters are ASCII printable
case is_ascii_printable(Text) of
'true' -> Text;
'false' -> rfc2047_utf8_encode(Text, lists:reverse("=?UTF-8?Q?"), 10, [])

rfc2047_utf8_encode(T, Acc, WordLen, Char) when WordLen + length(Char) > 73 ->
CloseLine = lists:reverse("?=\r\n "),
NewLine = Char ++ lists:reverse("=?UTF-8?Q?"),
%% Make sure that the individual encoded words are not longer than 76 chars (including charset etc)
rfc2047_utf8_encode(T, NewLine ++ CloseLine ++ Acc, length(NewLine), []);

rfc2047_utf8_encode([], Acc, _WordLen, Char) ->
lists:reverse("=?" ++ Char ++ Acc);

%% Printable ASCII characters dont encode except space, ?, _, = and .
rfc2047_utf8_encode([C|T], Acc, WordLen, Char) when C > 32 andalso C < 127 andalso C /= 32
andalso C /= $? andalso C /= $_ andalso C /= $= andalso C /= $. ->
rfc2047_utf8_encode(T, Char ++ Acc, WordLen+length(Char), [C]);
%% Encode all other ASCII
rfc2047_utf8_encode([C|T], Acc, WordLen, Char) when C > 0 andalso C =< 192 ->
rfc2047_utf8_encode(T, Char ++ Acc, WordLen+length(Char), encode_byte(C));
%% First byte of UTF-8 sequence
%% ensure that encoded 2-4 byte UTF-8 characters kept in one line
rfc2047_utf8_encode([C|T], Acc, WordLen, Char) when C > 192 andalso C =< 247 ->
UTFBytes = utf_char_bytes(C),
{Rest, ExtraUTFBytes} = encode_extra_utf_bytes(UTFBytes-1, T),
rfc2047_utf8_encode(Rest, Char ++ Acc, WordLen+length(Char), ExtraUTFBytes ++ encode_byte(C)).

is_ascii_printable([]) -> 'true';
is_ascii_printable([H|T]) when H >= 32 andalso H =< 126 ->

% Characters allowed to appear unencoded (RFC 2047 Sections 4.2 and 5):
% * lowercase ASCII letters
% * uppercase ASCII letters
% * decimal digits
% * "!"
% * "*"
% * "+"
% * "-"
% * "/"
% SPACE is not really an allowed letter, but since it encodes to "_"
% and thereby a single byte, we list it as allowed here
-define(is_rfc2047_q_allowed(C), (C=:=$\s orelse (C>=$a andalso C=<$z) orelse (C>=$A andalso C=<$Z)
orelse (C>=$0 andalso C=<$9) orelse C=:=$! orelse C=:=$* orelse C=:=$+
orelse C=:=$- orelse C=:=$/)).

rfc2047_utf8_encode(Value) when is_binary(Value) ->
case is_ascii_printable(Value) of
true ->
% don't encode if all characters are printable ASCII
false ->
Size = byte_size(Value),
FilteredSize = byte_size(<< <<X>> || <<X>> <= Value, ?is_rfc2047_q_allowed(X) >>),
Enc = if
FilteredSize >= Size-FilteredSize ->
% at least 50% of the value would be readable in Q-Encoding,
% so we use it
true ->
% less than 50% of the value would be readable in Q-Encoding,
% so we use B-Encoding instead
rfc2047_utf8_encode(Enc, Value, <<>>)
rfc2047_utf8_encode(Value) ->

rfc2047_utf8_encode(_Enc, <<>>, Acc) ->
rfc2047_utf8_encode(b, More, Acc) ->
% B-Encoding
% An encoded word must not be longer than 75 bytes,
% including the leading "=?", charset name, "?B?" and
% the trailing "?=". Since the charset name is fixed to
% "UTF-8", 63 remain for encoded text. Using Base64,
% a maximum of 45 raw bytes can be encoded in 63 bytes.
rfc2047_utf8_encode(b, More, Acc, <<>>, 45);
rfc2047_utf8_encode(q, More, Acc) ->
% Q-Encoding
% An encoded word must not be longer than 75 bytes,
% including the leading "=?", charset name, "?B?" and
% the trailing "?=". Since the charset name is fixed to
% "UTF-8", 63 remain for encoded text. Using Quoted-Printable,
% between 21 and 63 raw bytes can be encoded in 63 bytes.
rfc2047_utf8_encode(q, More, Acc, <<>>, 63).

rfc2047_utf8_encode(Enc, <<>>, Acc, WordAcc, _Left) ->
rfc2047_append_word(Acc, WordAcc, Enc);
rfc2047_utf8_encode(Enc, All = <<2#11110:5, Rest:27, More/binary>>, Acc, WordAcc, Left) ->
% A 4-byte UTF-8 sequence
Reqd = case Enc of
q -> 12;
b -> 4
case Left >= Reqd of
true ->
rfc2047_utf8_encode(Enc, More, Acc, <<WordAcc/binary, 2#11110:5, Rest:27>>, Left-4);
false ->
rfc2047_utf8_encode(Enc, All, rfc2047_append_word(Acc, WordAcc, Enc))
rfc2047_utf8_encode(Enc, All = <<2#1110:4, Rest:20, More/binary>>, Acc, WordAcc, Left) ->
% A 3-byte UTF-8 sequence
Reqd = case Enc of
q -> 9;
b -> 3
case Left >= Reqd of
true ->
rfc2047_utf8_encode(Enc, More, Acc, <<WordAcc/binary, 2#1110:4, Rest:20>>, Left-Reqd);
false ->
rfc2047_utf8_encode(Enc, All, rfc2047_append_word(Acc, WordAcc, Enc))
rfc2047_utf8_encode(Enc, All = <<2#110:3, Rest:13, More/binary>>, Acc, WordAcc, Left) ->
% A 2-byte UTF-8 sequence
Reqd = case Enc of
q -> 9;
b -> 3
case Left >= Reqd of
true ->
rfc2047_utf8_encode(Enc, More, Acc, <<WordAcc/binary, 2#110:3, Rest:13>>, Left-Reqd);
false ->
rfc2047_utf8_encode(Enc, All, rfc2047_append_word(Acc, WordAcc, Enc))
rfc2047_utf8_encode(Enc, All = <<C, More/binary>>, Acc, WordAcc, Left) ->
% Not an UTF-8 character
Reqd = case Enc of
q when not ?is_rfc2047_q_allowed(C) -> 3;
q -> 1;
b -> 1
case Left >= Reqd of
true ->
rfc2047_utf8_encode(Enc, More, Acc, <<WordAcc/binary, C>>, Left-Reqd);
false ->
rfc2047_utf8_encode(Enc, All, rfc2047_append_word(Acc, WordAcc, Enc))

rfc2047_append_word(Acc, <<>>, _Enc) ->
rfc2047_append_word(<<>>, Word, q) ->
% first word in Acc
<<"=?UTF-8?Q?", (rfc2047_q_encode(Word))/binary, "?=">>;
rfc2047_append_word(<<>>, Word, b) ->
% first word in Acc
<<"=?UTF-8?B?", (base64:encode(Word))/binary, "?=">>;
rfc2047_append_word(Acc, Word, q) ->
% subsequent word in Acc, append LWSP and word
<<Acc/binary, $\r, $\n, $\s, "=?UTF-8?Q?", (rfc2047_q_encode(Word))/binary, "?=">>;
rfc2047_append_word(Acc, Word, b) ->
% subsequent word in Acc, append LWSP and word
<<Acc/binary, $\r, $\n, $\s, "=?UTF-8?B?", (base64:encode(Word))/binary, "?=">>.

rfc2047_q_encode(<<>>) ->
rfc2047_q_encode(<<$\s, More/binary>>) ->
% SPACE -> _
<<$_, (rfc2047_q_encode(More))/binary>>;
rfc2047_q_encode(<<C, More/binary>>) when ?is_rfc2047_q_allowed(C) ->
% character which needs no encoding
<<C, (rfc2047_q_encode(More))/binary>>;
rfc2047_q_encode(<<N1:4, N2:4, More/binary>>) ->
% characters which need encoding -> =XY
<<$=, (hex(N1)), (hex(N2)), (rfc2047_q_encode(More))/binary>>.

is_ascii_printable(<<>>) -> 'true';
is_ascii_printable(<<H, T/binary>>) when H >= 32 andalso H =< 126 ->
is_ascii_printable(_) -> 'false'.

encode_byte(C) -> [ hex(C rem 16), hex(C div 16), $= ].
hex(N) when N >= 10 -> N + $A - 10;
hex(N) -> N + $0.

%% 240 - 247
utf_char_bytes(C) when C >= 2#11110000 andalso C =< 2#11110111 -> 4;
%% 224 - 239
utf_char_bytes(C) when C >= 2#11100000 andalso C =< 2#11101111 -> 3;
%% 192 - 223
utf_char_bytes(C) when C >= 2#11000000 andalso C =< 2#11011111 -> 2;
%% 0 - 127 (ASCII)
utf_char_bytes(C) when C >= 2#00000000 andalso C =< 2#01111111 -> 1.

encode_extra_utf_bytes(0, AccIn) -> {AccIn, []};
encode_extra_utf_bytes(Bytes, AccIn) -> encode_extra_utf_bytes(Bytes, AccIn, []).

encode_extra_utf_bytes(0, AccIn, AccOut) -> {AccIn, AccOut};
encode_extra_utf_bytes(Bytes, [C|T], AccOut) when C >= 128 andalso C =< 191 ->
encode_extra_utf_bytes(Bytes-1, T, encode_byte(C) ++ AccOut).

%% @doc DKIM sign an email
%% DKIM sign functions
%% RFC 6376
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2033,7 +2117,49 @@ rfc2047_decode_test_() ->
{"decode something I encoded myself",
fun() ->
A = <<"Jacek Złydach <[email protected]>"/utf8>>,
?assertEqual(A, decode_header(list_to_binary(rfc2047_utf8_encode(A)), "utf-8"))
?assertEqual(A, decode_header(rfc2047_utf8_encode(A), "utf-8"))

rfc2047_utf8_encode_test_() ->
fun() ->
?assertEqual(<<"=?UTF-8?Q?abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz?=">>, rfc2047_utf8_encode(q, <<"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz">>, <<>>)),
?assertEqual(<<"=?UTF-8?Q?ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ?=">>, rfc2047_utf8_encode(q, <<"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ">>, <<>>)),
?assertEqual(<<"=?UTF-8?Q?0123456789?=">>, rfc2047_utf8_encode(q, <<"0123456789">>, <<>>)),
?assertEqual(<<"=?UTF-8?Q?!*+-/?=">>, rfc2047_utf8_encode(q, <<"!*+-/">>, <<>>)),
?assertEqual(<< "=?UTF-8?Q?This_text_encodes_to_more_than_63_bytes=2E_Therefore=2C_it_shou?=\r\n"
" =?UTF-8?Q?ld_be_encoded_in_multiple_encoded_words=2E?=">>,
rfc2047_utf8_encode(q, <<"This text encodes to more than 63 bytes. Therefore, it should be encoded in multiple encoded words.">>, <<>>)),
?assertEqual(<< "=?UTF-8?Q?We_place_an_UTF8_4byte_character_over_the_breaking_point_here_?=\r\n"
" =?UTF-8?Q?=F0=9F=80=84?=">>,
rfc2047_utf8_encode(q, <<"We place an UTF8 4byte character over the breaking point here ", 16#F0, 16#9F, 16#80, 16#84>>, <<>>))
fun() ->
rfc2047_utf8_encode(b, <<"Some short text.">>, <<>>)),
?assertEqual(<< "=?UTF-8?B?VGhpcyB0ZXh0IGVuY29kZXMgdG8gbW9yZSB0aGFuIDYzIGJ5dGVzLiBUaGVy?=\r\n"
" =?UTF-8?B?ZWZvcmUsIGl0IHNob3VsZCBiZSBlbmNvZGVkIGluIG11bHRpcGxlIGVuY29k?=\r\n"
" =?UTF-8?B?ZWQgd29yZHMu?=">>,
rfc2047_utf8_encode(b, <<"This text encodes to more than 63 bytes. Therefore, it should be encoded in multiple encoded words.">>, <<>>)),
?assertEqual(<< "=?UTF-8?B?AAECAwQFBgcICQoLDA0ODxAREhMUFRYXGBkaGxwdHh8gISIjJCUmJygpKiss?=\r\n"
" =?UTF-8?B?WltcXV5fYGFiY2RlZmdoaWprbG1ub3BxcnN0dXZ3eHl6e3x9fn8=?=">>,
rfc2047_utf8_encode(b, << <<X>> || X <- lists:seq(0, 16#7F) >>, <<>>)),
?assertEqual(<< "=?UTF-8?B?UGxhY2UgYW4gVVRGOCA0Ynl0ZSBjaGFyYWN0ZXIgYXQgdGhlIGJyZWFr?=\r\n"
" =?UTF-8?B?8J+AhA==?=">>,
rfc2047_utf8_encode(b, <<"Place an UTF8 4byte character at the break", 16#F0, 16#9F, 16#80, 16#84>>, <<>>))
{"Pick encoding",
fun() ->
?assertEqual(<<"asdf">>, rfc2047_utf8_encode(<<"asdf">>)),
?assertEqual(<<"=?UTF-8?Q?x=09?=">>, rfc2047_utf8_encode(<<"x\t">>)),
?assertEqual(<<"=?UTF-8?B?CXgJ?=">>, rfc2047_utf8_encode(<<"\tx\t">>))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2074,7 +2200,7 @@ encoding_test_() ->
disposition => <<"inline">>},
<<"This is a plain message">>},
Result = <<"Subject: =?UTF-8?Q?Fr=C3=A6derik=20H=C3=B8lljen?=\r\nFrom: =?UTF-8?Q?Fr=C3=A6derik=20H=C3=B8lljen?= <[email protected]>\r\nTo: [email protected]\r\nMessage-ID: <[email protected]>\r\nMIME-Version: 1.0\r\nDate: Sun, 01 Nov 2009 14:44:47 +0200\r\n\r\nThis is a plain message">>,
Result = <<"Subject: =?UTF-8?Q?Fr=C3=A6derik_H=C3=B8lljen?=\r\nFrom: =?UTF-8?Q?Fr=C3=A6derik_H=C3=B8lljen?= <[email protected]>\r\nTo: [email protected]\r\nMessage-ID: <[email protected]>\r\nMIME-Version: 1.0\r\nDate: Sun, 01 Nov 2009 14:44:47 +0200\r\n\r\nThis is a plain message">>,
?assertEqual(Result, encode(Email))
Expand Down
6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions test/gen_smtp_util_test.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -115,8 +115,6 @@ rfc822_addresses_roundtrip_test() ->

rfc2047_utf8_encode_test() ->
UnicodeString = unicode:characters_to_binary("€ € € € € 1234 € € € € 123 € € € € € 1234€"),
Encoded = "=?UTF-8?Q?=E2=82=AC=20=E2=82=AC=20=E2=82=AC=20=E2=82=AC=20=E2=82=AC=20123?=\r\n"
++ " =?UTF-8?Q?4=20=E2=82=AC=20=E2=82=AC=20=E2=82=AC=20=E2=82=AC=20123=20?=\r\n"
++ " =?UTF-8?Q?=E2=82=AC=20=E2=82=AC=20=E2=82=AC=20=E2=82=AC=20=E2=82=AC=20123?=\r\n"
++ " =?UTF-8?Q?4=E2=82=AC?=",
Encoded = << "=?UTF-8?B?4oKsIOKCrCDigqwg4oKsIOKCrCAxMjM0IOKCrCDigqwg4oKsIOKCrCAxMjMg?=\r\n"
" =?UTF-8?B?4oKsIOKCrCDigqwg4oKsIOKCrCAxMjM04oKs?=">>,
?assertEqual(Encoded, mimemail:rfc2047_utf8_encode(UnicodeString)).

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