This is an irc client for connecting to twitch. It handles the annoying stuff like irc tag parsing. I highly recommend reading the documentation below, but this readme gives a basic overview of the functionality.
package main
import (
func main() {
// or client := twitch.NewAnonymousClient() for an anonymous user (no write capabilities)
client := twitch.NewClient("yourtwitchusername", "oauth:123123123")
client.OnPrivateMessage(func(message twitch.PrivateMessage) {
err := client.Connect()
if err != nil {
The twitch.User and MessageType structs reflect the data Twitch provides, minus any fields that have been marked as deprecated:
type User struct {
ID string
Name string
DisplayName string
Color string
Badges map[string]int
IsBroadcaster bool
IsMod bool
IsVip bool
type WhisperMessage struct {
User User
Raw string
Type MessageType
RawType string
Tags map[string]string
Message string
Target string
MessageID string
ThreadID string
Emotes []*Emote
Action bool
type PrivateMessage struct {
User User
Raw string
Type MessageType
RawType string
Tags map[string]string
Message string
Channel string
RoomID string
ID string
Time time.Time
Emotes []*Emote
Bits int
Action bool
type ClearChatMessage struct {
Raw string
Type MessageType
RawType string
Tags map[string]string
Message string
Channel string
RoomID string
Time time.Time
BanDuration int
TargetUserID string
TargetUsername string
type ClearMessage struct {
Raw string
Type MessageType
RawType string
Tags map[string]string
Message string
Channel string
Login string
TargetMsgID string
type RoomStateMessage struct {
Raw string
Type MessageType
RawType string
Tags map[string]string
Message string
Channel string
RoomID string
State map[string]int
type UserNoticeMessage struct {
User User
Raw string
Type MessageType
RawType string
Tags map[string]string
Message string
Channel string
RoomID string
ID string
Time time.Time
Emotes []*Emote
MsgID string
MsgParams map[string]string
SystemMsg string
type UserStateMessage struct {
User User
Raw string
Type MessageType
RawType string
Tags map[string]string
Message string
Channel string
EmoteSets []string
type GlobalUserStateMessage struct {
User User
Raw string
Type MessageType
RawType string
Tags map[string]string
EmoteSets []string
type NoticeMessage struct {
Raw string
Type MessageType
RawType string
Tags map[string]string
Message string
Channel string
MsgID string
type UserJoinMessage struct {
// Channel name
Channel string
// User name
User string
type UserPartMessage struct {
// Channel name
Channel string
// User name
User string
For unsupported message types, we return RawMessage:
type RawMessage struct {
Raw string
Type MessageType
RawType string
Tags map[string]string
Message string
ParseMessage parses a raw Twitch IRC message into a User and a message object. User can be nil.
func ParseMessage(line string) (*User, interface{})
These are the available methods of the client so you can get your bot going:
func (c *Client) Say(channel, text string)
func (c *Client) Join(channel string)
func (c *Client) Depart(channel string)
func (c *Client) Userlist(channel string) ([]string, error)
func (c *Client) Connect() error
func (c *Client) Disconnect() error
func (c *Client) Latency() (latency time.Duration, err error)
On your client you can configure multiple options:
client.IrcAddress = "" // for custom irc server
client.TLS = false // enabled by default, will connect to non TLS server of twitch when off or the given client.IrcAddress
client.SetupCmd = "LOGIN custom_command_here" // Send a custom command on successful IRC connection, before authentication.
client.Capabilities = []string{twitch.TagsCapability, twitch.CommandsCapability} // Customize which capabilities are sent
client.SetJoinRateLimiter(twitch.CreateVerifiedRateLimiter()) // If you have a verified bot or other needs use this to set a custom rate limiter
Option modifications must be done before calling Connect on the client.
By default, the client sends along these capabilities (Tags, Commands).
These callbacks are available to pass to the client:
client.OnConnect(func() {})
client.OnPrivateMessage(func(message PrivateMessage) {})
client.OnWhisperMessage(func(message WhisperMessage) {})
client.OnClearChatMessage(func(message ClearChatMessage) {})
client.OnClearMessage(func(message ClearMessage) {})
client.OnRoomStateMessage(func(message RoomStateMessage) {})
client.OnUserNoticeMessage(func(message UserNoticeMessage) {})
client.OnUserStateMessage(func(message UserStateMessage) {})
client.OnGlobalUserStateMessage(func(message GlobalUserStateMessage) {})
client.OnNoticeMessage(func(message NoticeMessage) {})
client.OnUserJoinMessage(func(message UserJoinMessage) {})
client.OnUserPartMessage(func(message UserPartMessage) {})
client.OnSelfJoinMessage(func(message UserJoinMessage) {})
client.OnSelfPartMessage(func(message UserPartMessage) {})
If you ever need more than basic PRIVMSG, this might be for you. These are the message types currently supported: